New online tool that helps parents find school seats debuts
If you are looking for a suitable private school for your child, there is good news for you.
The Ministry of Education and Higher Education has developed a search tool for parents and guardians to find seats for their children in private schools of their choice.
The search engine is available at the official website of the Ministry under
The search engine provides enough information about schools so they can compare and select the best one. The service is available in Arabic and English.
The Ministry service is expected to create a healthy competition among private schools.
The search engine is connected to a database of private schools and provides all necessary details such as vacant seats, curriculum, fees and location of the school.
The visitors to the website can view and compare data of private schools in terms of geographical location, tuition fees and level of education, tweeted the government’s e-portal, Hukoomi.
The search could be made by typing the educational curriculum, educational level, school type (female, male and mixed), area, and school name.
To make searches easier, 26 icons with flags and names of countries and curriculum are also displayed.
With a click on the icon on the webpage, the locations of related schools open in a map and a list of all schools with locations appears at the bottom.
For example, when a visitor clicks the Indian flag, over two dozen schools appear in the map.
Other details are also displayed like the availability of seats, fees, whether qualified for voucher scheme or not, the education curriculum, the number of students, the school calendar, school hours and even the annual report of schools.
The move comes at a time when expatriates are finding it difficult to get admission in schools due to scarcity of seats.
Such a nice tool for the parents .. Joys