Murder suspects held after British teacher's body found

Police have arrested suspects over the murder of a European woman, the Interior Ministry said, after a British school teacher was found dead in the Gulf Arab state.
British media said a 24-year-old woman identified as Lauren Patterson, a primary teacher at a British school in Qatar, went missing last Saturday, when she was seen with two men at a nightclub in the capital Doha.
"The police has arrested the suspects of a European woman's murder," the Interior Ministry said in a statement in English on its website.
"The case has been referred to Public Prosecution to complete further judicial procedures applicable in this regard," it added without giving any further details.
The UK's Daily Mail reported that Lauren Patterson's mother was in Qatar and had praised authorities for their thorough investigation.
However, readers of the publication expressed varying views on the situation. Here are some:
Qatar is an extremely safe country as every single Qatari and foreign resident is fully fingerprinted and their DNA is taken. Crimes are cleared up very quickly. This sad event is very very rare.
And someone also responded to some of the sweeping generalisations:
Maybe people should actually have some knoweldge and experience of the Middle East before they make sweeping statements about it! I have lived happily in Qatar for over a year and it is one of the safest capital cities in the world. You want to start looking at the crime rates in the UK more carefully before you go judging a country and culture you know nothing about! It is shocking and very sad about Lauren but it is a rare thing to happen in Qatar, how many girls can you think of that have been murdered in your local area recently?
But at least one woman who had been to Doha had this to say:
As a woman who has been to Doha, I would never return. The men are so scary out there, and there is little to zero respect for women
What do you think?
Fathimah: Well said. A young life has been cruelly taken. Her loved ones must be distraught. . How would any one of us feel it was someone dearest to us. I hope she rests in peace and the criminals get due justice.
Have such horrible crimes happened out here before. I mean have persons been killed and thrown in the dessert, the trash bins, etc. Have people gone and burnt themselves in the desert especially the poorer and more vulnerable ones. Have people disappeared without a trace. .. Just imagine the savage brutality that the victim must have had to go through. Such things must never be allowed to happen ever again however high or low a person and whatever be his or her status
TCOM all it takes is a little human compassion which seems to have completely forsaken some of those posting their judgmental views here! Honestly this post has me shaking my head in disgust and amazement. This woman was only last seen at the club. The man/men who killed her might have attacked her anywhere..so why focus on her going to a club?? Allahu Must3aan!
I suggest posters look at Molten Metal's track record. He has a long, long history of shifting blame on to women when they are the victims of male aggression.
I've never met anyone here who deserves the epiphyte 'Misogynist' more.
FathimaH if only the wannabees learn from you and stop blaming the women and the Qatar government policies
This post is seriously disturbing and I can only hope the deceased's loved ones or,as Jasmine pointed out, certain fractions of the international media never get their eyes on this! A woman is murdered in cold blood. Does it matter where she was? For all we know this could happen to anyone of us because if a psycho killer wishes to attack he/she can do so anywhere! Remember the teacher killed in her apartment?
Prize is this comment from MM wise "What reason will bring a teacher to a night club 1 ?"
I can say so for our AmAm also.
Lesson learned from this tragedy, be careful of trusting too much, to soon. Guarding your own safety means trusting someone only as much as you know them.
T.C. For me everybody is wise who has pain in his heart for the whole universe & speaks up for the innocent souls , for example Molten Metal.
Molten Metal, Please reappear my friend.
I req Mods to help you, if you are unable to log-in { LOL }.
comments of wise who are the wise you referring to?
One thing I wish to add, If you are in hurry in reading comments of wise , you 'll not be able to reap the benefit .
I know the reason for this crime, and it was not Lauren and Lauren's behavior, believe or not. It was two soulless b*****. Hope they will burn in hell, if the one exists.
A lesson for a young girl? Definitely, to be careful who she is hanging out with, and definitely not to forbid her to go the night clubs.
And to have CCTV in the clubs. Which they have, at least in Le Cigalle, and hopefully these monsters will be brought to justice.
here we won't never find ourselves on the same frequency. the gap between your, R2R's and others' and my world is way too big. our only one common thing is that we all have come here to make our lives and our children' lives better. to ensure they have a better starting points for their future lifes..
I'm staying here, because currently the Middle East is the best place on the world for my profession. it is far from my way of living, but I've chosen it for my kids' sake. and a bit for my own.
we are different, and I do appreciate it. cultural differences are good, that's why living in Doha can make one's horizons wider, and her/his life richer, and eventually make them better persons. I do believe it. I see it at my kids, which have classroom mates from 20 different countries.
but one human life has ended up, and I see that most of the people here (assume mainly from the Middle East, India and the southeast Asia) point out at Lauren and her profession as a root cause. the fact that a terrible crime has been committed isn't an issue here. and THAT is what definitely does not fit into my system of values.
Humbles, Same here, I take note of good points from whom so ever if it's beneficial to me.
AmAm, I liked when you go a step ahead by motivationg all of us here that lets drive a point home , lets learn a lesson from this tragedy.
amam ... we still dont know what motives were behind her murder ... and assuming things , like these are insensitive ... to me .... how judgemntal you r .... u just stated ,contributing factors as facts !!!
AmAm thanks for your balanced views. Atleast people started taking note.
qatar is safe place indeed. i like it here people are nice even the local peole are nice. but thing can happened for any reason anywhere in yhe qord and anyone
Hi, We have a crime news in front of us. One culbber has lost her life. Authority will come out with the facts.
Why we attack our fellow humans. It is not wise to hurt innocent souls who just wish good for others & suggest to take steps to reduce untoward incidents .
Molten Metal , I appreciate your boldness, for being your-self . I always take advise from your comments since I am on QL. I am more cautious now.
amam, root cause? molten, R2R AmAm and the rest, possible to share with us ignorants a list of all the jobs for women which would need to "serve as model" and avoid places like Sharq, Le Cigalle, Irish Harp...?
and what about men? is it possible that an English male teacher could face the same faith as Lauren?
all the clubs should place a note at the entrance to every club in Doha with the list of such jobs. for women. for now.
furthermore, a bit off topic, but speaking of being so strict and ready to preach on moral rules, when the bouncers at those clubs will start forbidding Muslims to enter the clubs? drinking is not allowed for Muslims, as far as I know. but nobody ever has written a single word about it. atleast not here.
also, Philipinos and Lebanese women with ultra short skirts. an ultimate provocation. for men. and a source of horrible statements for some QLers here. forbid now! and prevent the same crime in the future.
or change the mentality of the people living here in Doha...
or keep them away on the safe distance.
Your partner in crime the wannabee gangs who think they are better then the Qatar Government.
Club is a place where decisions are made before any action . Read the news.
Alcohol is the base of all evils. Stop any policeman & ask him what does he looks for first at any crime scene ?
T.C. What / Who is box ?
As per Box..... qatar .1) stop or close all night clubs 2) ban alcohol.3) stop visas for single females/
Are you against Qatar Government? As this as been authorized by the Qatar Qovernment.
Why don't you first try to stop in your OWN COUNTRY
Strom, Finding reasons linked to the crime & fixing contributing acts leading to the crime is not being insensitive .
marten, then how can we learn from others mistakes if cases like this are not discussed ?
Important is , going forward , What lesson a young girl can take from this incident ?
come on guys !!! WTH ... she was a teacher ... and going to night club or whatever club ... dont make her death justified.... she has a personal life ... and i know someone personally who has been her student and thy praised her like anything being a teacher ..... so plz stop judging her ... and passing insenstive remarks ....
i hope justice shud be served ....
it would be the best for all to lock this topic, if possible...
I speak from my heart folks, Molten is really focusing for the root cause so that a crime like this could have been prevented . Please read his views again if somebody did not get it.
A tragic loss of young life .
Molten & R2R not any specialists here, just use energy positively on the subject ..........
A few of you are attacking a fellow QLer personally !
Marten , my brother , focus on the topic ........
Hello All,
What ever are the views of a person , still abusers have no right to use strong words to fellow QLers ..........
It shows your cruel mentality .........
Wow wannabees are at it again.
cool nick name, but the rest is.... beyond my comprehension. even though this is my 5th year in the middle east, some things still make me just speechless. seems like you and your mental pendant R2R are not the only ones here sharing such a medieval life philosophy...
Riyal2Rupee do you always traditionally express such a lack of a fundamental human compassion for a human being? if your mindset didn't allow you to feel sorry for this woman who was spending her time in such "an inappropriate place", at least try to visualize yourself what horror this young woman has passed through before she was killed, and left like a bag in the middle of nowhere...
Maybe I've missed it, but I haven't seen a single word about those monsters who have raped her and left her in the middle of desert. But again, frankly speaking, after you've shared with us your "traditional" standpoint regarding this monstrous crime, I wouldn't be looking forward in reading what would be your thoughts about the monsters who have done this....
my point is that instead of showing elementary decency toward this poor, poor young woman, you have immediately come up with such totally improper statements. like she was looking for it... where is your sense of morality? lost somewhere in the history or got stuck with the system of values traditionally linked to the society where you are coming from. sorry everyone incl. R2R for being maybe politically incorrect, but as a father of two girls, and a normal human being I've needed to comment it...
BTW is anyone else having problems accessing google today ?
I agree Ingeniero. Typical of people here to push the blame on the victim. What about the murderer!
What the Heck! What does profession have to do with Night club? Why a teacher can't go a night club? She wasn't doing it in her duty hours, These clubs are specially made for those expat people!
She was murdered & people discussing here her night club visits.. DAMN!
MM , you've outdone yourself this time
Molten Metal , you've seriously outdone yourself this time. I have no idea what third world country rock you crawled out from under , but i suggest you crawl back under it. You have an opinion on everything ,, can you at least keep most of them to yourself ,, or turn your computer off, go outside , meet real people and be part of the real world. Your comments should disgust even yourself however i suspect as someone as yourself , you will fail to see what you have said being wrong.
Qatar wants to be part of a modern world , it takes more than money and flashy buildings to do that,, yes , we have to be patient as only 2 generations ago they were riding camels instead of landcruisers. And its not about putting it back on other countries. Grow up.
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajioon. Such a terrible crime..scary indeed! So sad to read her mother's account.. heart-wrenching! Hope and pray we see justice served swiftly and the killers are given the retribution they deserve.
Come on people... You cant say this way. One murder n Qatar is the Worst place?? this is just a hype caused due to the fifa 2022 issue. Some people dont want it here.
I'm living here for the past 7 years. I know people who go dare to go out at night even at 2. Especially ladies.
They find qatar a lot more safer. Rare cases as the above should not be given so much importance. Atleast they found the culprits fast.
The only thing is people just have to be a little careful especially when u take taxis or go out to nightclubs n bars.
Holy crap, this place is full of stupid creatures. it infuriates me to know such stupid people are still alive! report my speech of hate (against stupid facks) if you want, I don't care, but please kill the stupid fackers too!
P.S going to clubs, drinking, and having a LIFE doesn't mean you can't be a role model at teaching others something valuable or useful.
Ignore, the first comments shown above. Typical comments made by some stupid morons.
It is very Sad..
Crimes do occur everywhere. A young life is lost. May she rest in peace. All we can now wish for is justice for the deceased.
edifis, I assume you are being ironic or, for some peculiar reason, joking?
Just gets better
It's impossible to get justice now as the guilty party is already dead. seems to me,from the above discussion that the main crime committed here was the 'young woman going to a night club" for which she ought to have got the 100 lashes before being publicly executed. Now that she is dead it is no longer possible......What a pity!! The people responsible for her murder should receive proper counseling on how to mete out the proper punishment to women night club goers..
why everyone is focusing on the teacher? Doesn't matter what her job was her personality, she was a human being and none one deserves to die like that.. What about the murderers? I'm very surprised with the comments..
come on guys she is only a teacher and not a bitch... and for each person the right to live hes own personl life as he or she wants...there is no link between the career and the personal life....2- that's not give the reason to be killed waht ever she did we are not in jungle we are human being .
May her Soul Rest in Peace.
Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Rajioon (To him we belong and to him is our return ) I would agree with MM because as a teacher she should be role model for others in the school as well for the society not to have good time in night club leading to her tragic end
Is it true that she got off a flight from UK and went straight to a nightclub? Most odd as she has a boyfriend in Malta.
I am so angry right now.
I am absolutely horrified by these comments and I am sure they will be used by the British media to further their cause that Qatar is misogynist and ignorant which is not true at all.
None of the people who have made these comments seem to have any experience of international education and the suggestion that this terrible event was in any way the fault of the victim is absolutely abhorrent and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Whilst I appreciate that we all come from different cultures, one of the wonderful things about this diverse and varied nation, you must remember that just because this is an online forum does not mean an absence of basic moral behaviour. The only people to blame are the people who did this, whether they are charged and punished or not.
Lastly, please take into account two things. Firstly, you are a guest in this country. If you do not like the provision of entertainment, rules and laws or the expatriate community, leave and go back home.
Second, a family are suffering the most terrible pain. Show some respect for them and behave like decent, normal human beings. Show respect for the country and the pain it is feeling and, more than anything, help stop violence against women by attributing blame to the victim. In the big world, this has been long seen as disgusting, misogynist behaviour that is looked upon as further abuse of women.
I am ashamed to be part of the expatriate community sometimes and never fail to understand why for a etiquette has passed by an entire website.
So you believe that nightclubs are bad. Now I understand your comments but I disagree completely.
I am logging off friends with a heavy heart ........
Teacher are expected to be far more responsible , they are a kind of model ......
George, There is a big difference ..... When we loose a driver only one vehicle will remain idle .........
This is very tragic, when a person looses her life for the sake of entertainment or celebration ........... so saddening news really ..........
Prize , An honest approach by you is appreciated.
R2R, Thanks for the good understanding.
The comments here seem to be blaming the Teacher for what happened because "she should not have been there". R2R I'm a teacher who doesn't go to nightclubs but many of my female teacher friends do - you have no idea what you're talking about claiming that certain professions don't go to night clubs.
Riyal2rupee you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. People from different cultures may do things differently but not professions. By the way, I'm a teacher. I don't visit nightclubs because I don't enjoy them but I have many teacher friends who do.
Look , when a person reamins at a club for long hours , it will affect ones next day's work . That is for sure.
MM, Traditionally you are right for being surprised .
George, Every profession has its own style. Its unusal to see any one from the education section visiting such places till early morning !!!
A teacher would go to a nightclub for the same reason as anyone else. Why on earth do you choose to single out teachers?
MM, Good points buddy.
Strange, That 'one woman' kept that secret to herself that men are scary ! !
What reason will bring a teacher to a night club 1 ?