Fines for lane cutting and wrong overtaking in Qatar

The Department of Traffic says it might soon begin imposing QR500 fine on motorists who do not maintain lane discipline and overtake from the right.
Experts are working to develop software programs whereby cameras fitted on roundabouts and interchanges would be able to check violations related to lane cutting and overtaking.
In the next 45 days, the number of devices to detect wrong overtaking would be increased.
This was disclosed by Brigadier Mohamed Saad Al Kharji, Director of the department, in remarks to local Arabic daily Al Watan published yesterday.
He said motorists must also maintain sufficient space between cars (space between a car and the one in the front) since narrow space can lead to accident. There are rules and regulations and traffic police patrols could impose fines (QR500) on violators.
Brigadier Al Kharji said as for trucks and trailers violating city entry rules, 50 patrols have been exclusively deputed to monitor them.
At least 40 of the teams are assigned for Doha, he said.
Like cars breaking speed limits, those driving too slow and in ways that obstruct traffic could also be punished.
Talking of the use of mobile phone by motorists while driving, Brigadier Al Kharji said it is one of the major causes of accidents worldwide.
According to him, there was a proposal from local authorities that mobile phones used by motorists while driving could be jammed through electronic devices. "But the proposal was found to be impractical because there are people who can be contacted on mobile phones in emergency and they include doctors who save lives," Brigadier Al Kharji said.
Traffic patrols can now use cameras fitted on roadside, near traffic lights and roundabouts and zoom in on motorists using mobile phones, he said.
He said a pilot project to assess the feasibility of introducing traffic and road safety awareness programmes as part of school curriculum has been successful.
From the next academic year that starts next month, all schools will be taught traffic and road safety as part of curriculum. The schools also include non-Arabic ones. [The Peninsula]
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How about drivers in the left lanes driving slow & You are driving in right lane within speed limits.
How did you get a driver's license without knowing this?
thanx britexpat, that was pretty simple.. :-)
If you speed up and "undertake" a car on your left ..... Simple...
dear QLers, can someone tell me what do they mean by overtake from right lane? the picture shows the landcruiser in the lane which is the shoulder lane/ service lane (correct me if iam wrong in naming them). the violation here is very clear. but my doubt is among the 3 normal lanes meant for driving, is it prohibited to overtake by the right lane too? or by saying right lane is it the shoulder lane that authorities mean to say? Thanx in advance.
mostly all arabs nationalities are doing this, they don't have patience to get their turn, Ministry should place cameras in all roundabout, signals, even in free right & left, if traffic is getting jam ministry should check the reason for this and should solve it.
It would be very helpful if the heavy vehicles are restricted to the last 2 lanes (right) specially in highways like salwa road. It is very common to see these heavy vehicles are dangerously speeding at more than 80km/Hr in any lanes they want.
What happens if a car cuts in front of you and makes you look like your not maintain sufficient space between cars. I'm under the assumption these camera take stills or do they work with taking video?
Before imposing fines, teach the people to keep the extreme left track clear for others to overtake.
Photos of traffic violations (like the one posted) should be enough.Now, in order for the civilians to participate in this campaign, there should be a reward system. I think all drivers will behave now as everybody are having cameras nowadays.
What does qualify as "overtaking from right" ?
Go get them and lock them away