Did you know: Ministry issues price list for fruits, veggies and fish everyday
Wondering what the ministry approved prices of fruits, vegetables and fish are? All you need to do is to visit the official website of the Ministry of Economy and Commerce (MEC).
In Qatar, almost everything has a set of ministry issued and approved regulations that should be followed. This applies for the prices of fruits and veggies too.
In fact, the government issues a price list daily for retailers involved in the fruits, vegetables and fish market. Hence, changing the prices and not sticking to the list would obviously be a violation leading to a penalty and closure of the outlet.
These ministry issued prices are not to be increased in any way.
Most of the ministry services have become digitalized and are just a click away. Also, they come in both English as well as Arabic.
Hence, the next time you go grocery shopping, know the ministry approved prices beforehand.
(Cover image courtesy: Chantelle D'mello)
Many Items Not in the List???
This is good news.....
Question: How do I find out where the fruit si from at my local baqala. Will the guy behind the counter be honest enough ?