Convict escapes death sentence in Qatar murder case

The Court of Appeals has upheld a verdict of the Court of First Instance to sentence a Filipino expatriate to jail for seven years and impose a fine of QR200,000 on him, to be paid to the heirs of the victim as blood money, local daily Arrayah has reported.
The verdict also requires the person to be deported on completion of the prison term.
The man had gone to the residence of a person of the same nationality and requested for financial assistance. When the other man declined his request and insulted him, the accused went to the kitchen, found a stick and hit the victim, who then collapsed, the report states.
The accused again went to the kitchen and brought a knife with which he stabbed the victim on the chest. He then pulled the victim to the kitchen, poured hot oil on him, burnt him and set fire to the flat.
He left the place to get rid of the objects used in the crime but a neighbour saw him and informed the police, according to the report.
The court decided to impose a fine on the convict instead of giving him the death sentence as requested by the victim's heirs, the daily states. [Gulf Times]
"instead of giving him the death sentence as requested by the victim's heirs, the daily states."
hahaha. read twice first to avoid embarassment
To forgive is divine ............... ...............................
""as requested by the victim's heirs," cant you read this??? its the ralatives request for a blood money..if the relatives request for mercy,then probably that guy will face death penalty...
If the heirs requested the death sentence then shy didn't the court give them what they wanted