Age ratings made compulsory in cinema halls
The Ministry of Economy and Commerce (MEC) has issued three circulars stating that all cinema halls, video games and DVD shops must refer to age ratings and restrictions.
According to this statement made by the MEC, without an age rating, cinema halls cannot sell their tickets. DVD and video games shops are also told to have appropriate age ratings on the products that they sell.
Also, instructive posters too have been given to such outlets and halls in order to create a public awareness about such matters.
The MEC has decided to act on this move to protect the values and customs of the society and also to safeguard the youngsters from negative influence. [Gulf Times]
So the new Bond Film should not be censored :O)
Violence is okay in this part of the world.
Violence (anything that relates to shooting or bloodshed) seems ok as that does not seem to be censored as such.
Not Video games. You can go in and purchase a full uncensored version of Grandtheft Auto right now. They have many Mature uncensored games available.
oh come on, in a place EVERYTHING is censored, seriously?
But all movies are already edited for content. Also will the shops be required to only sell Adult, and Mature games to the parents like Cigarettes? This might very unpopular with many kids under 18.