Bringing DVDs and Books to Qatar

Hello everyone! I will be moving to Qatar from the United States around December or January (depending on the visa process), and I was wondering how strict they are with bringing books and dvds into the country. We don't have any offensive political or religious material so there is no worry on that end. Not sure how they would feel about us bringing our books and dvds of the Game of Thrones series or the dvds of the Charmed television series. Based on the old articles I found, it seems as though the items are reviewed based on the cover photo and title. Has anyone had any trouble with bringing something to Qatar? If so, then can you please tell me what it was? Was there anything you were surprised they allowed to go through? If you don't mind telling me of course. I'm just trying to see what has been deemed to be okay to come into the country. Also, how long ago was this and if you know of any changes since this occurred?
I also have a question about purchasing dvds online and having them shipped to your Qatar address. What is the process for these kind of purchases from Amazon or some other website? Has anyone had an issue with this?
I would like to thank everyone in advance for your assistance. The more information you can provide me with the better. I am very grateful for anything you can give me.
Welcome to Qatar Living also. You will find it an interesting site with many good contributors. You will also come across two "philosophers" who keep the entertaining readers with their comments, sometimes with unbelievably silly ones.
We welcome you with open arms .. joys
Qatar is an easy going place. As long as you're not bringing in porn or material which may be against societal norms here, then you will be fine.
You are welcome here as a responsible expat my pal ....... no issues ........ spread the knowledge ............. knowledge is the strength of any human being .......... welcome at QL ........ Joys ............ !!