Avengers is bigger, darker, and a spectacular spectacular!
How do you outdo a movie that banded together the (blonde) Norse god of thunder, (an almost insane) green mass of muscle, a (righteous) super soldier who ‘slept’ under an ice cap for close to three quarters of a century, a mad (but good looking) scientist, a kickass Russian killing machine and a man who never misses a shot with his faithful bow?
The answer?
(A) Hire the same writer/director
(B) Give him a bigger budget and complete creative freedom
(C) Ensure the faces that made the first movie so enjoyable are still there
(D) Select a worthy super villain as well as a few new super heroes/heroines (even from other franchisees ike X-Men)
And then, producers can sit back, relax and hire those extra hands to count the money pouring in from around the world.
Joss Whedon knows his job well, Hallelujah! The man, who wrote and directed the first Avengers, is in fine form with the second — Age of Ultron — as well.
The show opens with an Avengers raid on a secret Hydra hideout. Everything seems to be working well, until Quicksilver and his sister Scarlet Witch — referred to as the ‘fast and the weird’ — intervene.
The staff of Loki, the god of evil, which was shown to have survived at the end of the first movie, powers the new villain.
Tony Stark, tricked by Scarlet Witch into a naïve moment of madness, creates a superior artificial intelligence (AI) being — Ultron — who is a true ‘son of the cloud.’
He wreaks havoc with Stark’s AI programme ‘Jarvis’ and sets about devising plans to destroy earth.
One thing I loved was that there was a lot of character building that was done. There’s even a romance between an unlikely couple.
And then there’s the action…. THE action! It’s crazy and done oh so lovingly. The fight between pals Iron Man and Hulk is nothing short of spectacular.
And just when things seem a bit down, the ‘Mudhir with the black eye patch’ comes calling.
If you haven’t seen the movie yet, do it soon. And if possible, do so on an iMax 3D screen. I did and it was the best QR60 I’ve spent so far this year!
Verdict: Someone told me there were mixed reviews about the Age of Ultron. Bollocks. This is pure escapist perfection. 9.5 out of 10.
Will watch later ;)
Hello Mohammad, it released yesterday. I watched the 11pm iMax 3D show. I believe there was also shows before that. At least from 8pm onwards. Hope you watch it soon. It's worth the wait.
hey nice review thanks but when did it get released here was it wednesday or today bcoz yesterday if checked cineco website it was not there
Hello K200, my bad. Thanks for pointing it out. The post has been modified suitaby. I wrote it around 3am. Though I had double checked, this mistake somehow slipped through. Thanks again, mate.
Good post , except for point 'D'. he didnt create any super villains , he just selected one .
ultron , quick silver and the scarlet witch .
quick silver and scarlet witch from the xmen franchise .