Doha Banks iresponsibility & poor performance

Dear All,
Please be informed that Doha Bank doing irresponsibility to my Company,I was fulfilled and submitted the WPS forms to Doha Bank Head office and they accepted three months ago,they issued ATM card for my employees too.Only they have to provide online user id & password and now they stated that i need to resubmit as a new applicant because they could not find my application from there data base.
Due to that my company has been blocked from Labor departments.Many times i complained to our Mother branch concern persons but no one taking as serious.
Please advice to whom i need to complaint about this.
So in reality , your experience is NOT different, because you both got screweed by Doha Bank
qatarexpat there are thousands of hidden charges which these banks wont disclose to the customers....there is a policy these banks officials follow and that is "Customers Mistake is Banks profit"
Cheers and Joys to you pal ! :)
My experience with Doha Bank is different.
Few months back i used Lulu card for 50 riyals (I believe twice on the same day). So I got the money deducted twice (50+50 = 100 Riyals). I thought it is a double entry and went to the bank to launch an inquiry. Finally it was a genuine transaction. But Doha Bank deducted 25 riyals as a charge for each inquiry. So they deducted 50 riyals considering that I have made inquiry for two transactions. I called their customer service and they were not aware about such a policy and I went to the branch for the same. The guys there had to make few calls to understand there is a policy like this with the company.
My questions are simple
1) When I registered the complaint why they haven't informed me about the charges?
2) If some one got a doubt for a transaction of 20 riyals, the charge to investigate that will be 50 riyals (If proven as genuine transaction). Is it logic?
3) I gave a letter to the branch manager to take action in this matter. No reply yet (More than 6 months).
Then you should go to the Ministry. Show them the ATM cards of your employees and tell them that the bank has lost your application. Let the Ministry punish the bank.
Doha Bank telling they misplaced our original applications so i need to restart the procedure as a new applicant.
last couple of months am waiting for user name and password to transfer salary finally they telling such words.
now my under block list from ministry.who is responsible for it.
WT has shown the right course of action to you ...........
Since your employees received ATM cards, take one or two with you to the bank and ask the morons at Doha Bank how they got the ATM card without your application!