Whats your childhood story ?

Once choosing the color of a sketch pen was
a tough task.
Occupying the window seat in the school bus
was called obsession.
Getting a toffee as a birthday treat from a
friend made our day.
Being the first one to finish copying from the
blackboard was the ultimate moment of
Hiding the answers from a bench partner
during exams was not called selfishness.
When homework was the only torture.
We thought all elders are ideal.
Early to bed, early to rise was life’s mantra.
Owning a cycle was like owning everything.
To Look Good was Only to put Loads of
Powder & a neat comb.
We didn't need Facebook or a phone to keep
in touch!
Awesome are the Memories of Those
Childhood Days ♥ :)
@ Tahnsinmim... wat abt friends ?
Thanx Lol xd and Fathima, brite and alex. Nice childhood.
Had awesome time reading it.
As I stare down and look up at the sky..
I always remember that I have dreams to care…
Bare in one’s mind a secret, hoping to share…
My childhood, full of many fantasies
Mesmerize me wherever there is glare…
That I see magic, the little want I treasure.
When my eyes closed
I have my little world to live,
Every time I closed my eyes I see the beauty of it.
A child simple thought
A mighty one can’t even think.
It goes well my childhood days
From where I feel the first one’s excitement…
Great days..
Used to bike to school with best friend Michael.
Loved school, especially games.
Dreaded Mr. Cartright the Math teacher. He used the slipper if you screwed up.
Always wanted to be Dinner Monitor
Best thing was school lunch including Rhubarb Crumble and hot custard.
Climbed trees and picked conkers
Played in the local park and rode bikes
Built wooden go-Kart and raced against Michael
Good times :O)
Earliest childhood memory:(At 2 1/2 years old) Being so jealous of my newborn sister..used to sneak up beside her when mom wasn't looking, and bite her lil fingers and toes!
Always dressing like a boy and behaving like one..Climbing trees, playing with bow and arrows I'd made myself, etc. Then feeling happy when mistook to be a boy!Oh and I hated anything remotely girly..
Was so naughty in school. Any teacher's nightmare...but then I'd crack some jokes and act the clown,specially when sent to the Principal, thus saving myself from detention or suspension!
At 7 years old I actually tried to catch a huge rat with my bare hands. The rodent bit me so bad I had to be rushed to the hospital and have a shot. Lesson learned!
I loved to eat. I had the appetite of a grown up. Ate more than any kid in our household did. And always loved chocolates...never could get enough of em. Constantly scavenging for chocs of any kind, and seeking high and low to find where mom hid the stash.
Was convinced I was adopted..blame it on those silly movies, but I always expected my real parents to turn up!
These are just some of my childhood memories. Ah! Those were the days..carefree and adventurous as an any Enid Blyton book. Priceless!
Thanx for sharing Nomerci.
hahaha Roming without Dress :D
ok, my story compared to yours :
I walked to school.
I did not like toffees. Gummybears were my fave.
Nobody in my class would be proud to be first to copy from the blackboard...what is there to be proud of????
If somebody was so mean not help the bench partner during exam, he would have a VERY hard time after...thank god nobody in my class did something like that!
Homework, naa, we did not get that much homework, and it was pretty easy.
Elders? you mean grandparents? Yes, I loved my grandma and granddad...other old people were creepy!
Early to bed? Lol, like all kids, I always tried to sneak extra tv time...and getting up early?? OMG, who did not hate that???
Yes, I had a bike, granddad gave it to me for Easter...it was fun to ride...but I was not really into possessions at that time.
Powder?? I did not use make up when I was a kid...I was not allowed until I was about 16
Well, this is my story.
You grew up very different from me.