Sun that shines in Middle East
i just realized lately that after 8 months of living here, i have all the reason to feel blessed.
i have job that many people from the third world country doesn't have. at the age of 29 i already have two beautiful creature which is halfly made by me. i have taste the fruit of life of raising them. i experienced the bitterness, tears and sorrows in a relationship which make me more stronger. i have learned the value of human needs. the worth of man and woman in each other. the sacrifice of each parent in making bread and building shelther for their family. the difference of having companion and good friendship.
At the end of the day its not the amount of money you earned, its not about what career you practice, nor either what things do you have cause behind your back theres still question hanging... Is it worth working away from my home???
I can say yes, I have proove that here in me is a sunshine that no body can ask for its worth and has an over pouring value which makes me realized and accept that this is my life but i am blessed even if I am away from my family.
There are many things to THANK for. It's just that I can't hide that I terribly miss them so much. But, I am always eager to see the sun rising each day.
Seeing my sunshine makes me more productive and even knowing myself better. Its brightness makes makes me feel that I am special in many ways. That I look good in every single way.
Thanks God for moving my destiny in the middle of the east. I found my sun - shining here and with that, I am glad to face each morning wearing HAPPY face a LOVELY and SWEETY smile that this FANTASTIC world can have.
it was a pleasure meeting you and the rest of the group yesterday night. hope to hear back from you guys... thanks again for the welcome!
ok then , thanks mallrat!
.plz people.
.don't cut short my id..
.still prefer to be called "mallrat"...
thanks rat and magic dragon.
it's not very clear, rat, but I'll trust you when you say so.
.MagicDragon, have you noticed my avatar?
.im wearing sunglasses too, but i wear them night time, lol
She's also wearing sunglasses, mallrat. Something wrong with her affection for the sunlight.
.i hate the sun...i can't go out without any sunblock, lol..
.i'm happy to read your positive thoughts under pressure and under the middle eastern baking sun..
yes, thats true. its good i realized.
You are indeed blessed if you realize how fortunate you are . Not many people nowadays do..
thanks for being the first one to give comment
may god bless u sister