miss home

one cold night while i was on my way home from work, me and my officemate we're talking about how cold the weather has become when suddenly we saw this couple standing &waiting to cross the street and the lady obviously was feeling cold. And then the gent hugged her, right there at ramada signal. i smiled and felt a little tug in my heart. And then they crossed the street...
I was out at Al Karsaah on Friday, or whatever the desert area near there is called. I thought of Australia because I was thinking that perhaps this is what parts of central Australia look like, lol. Lots of dirt, little shrubs, a few trees and the odd dune.
Okay, so what if you hug the police, so he won't feel left out. That'll work, mmm..... may be.
Ok, now i know, I'll do all the huggings and kissings at home... It's better safe than sorry!
When I write... I believe... I'm honest....
Ah its fine as long as u got :
a) Marriage certificate with u.
b) Husband name mentioned as sponsor in wife's id.
If u dnt have both...get ready to be deported...
but without kisses
that's a very good thing tess_916. keep the papers and ring close...
and that's the reason why I won't dare doing it!
When I write... I believe... I'm honest....
sure, solidsnake9 and then the police will catch you, haha...
that's why it made me miss home. back home it would be ok to do that and it shows care but here it's a violation of some rules. i like what the guy did tho, i'm sure they are legitimate couples anyway.
Oh I wish I could do that too... that was a nice thought ladymeh!
When I write... I believe... I'm honest....
hahahaha, yeah right, that's what we were thinking also. but still it was nice.