love in our life

By zaidan1010 •
Walking through life, hand and hand you could be,
When sharing in love with two hearts you can see.
Life could be filled with happiness that is there,
When trust and understanding is shared with some care.
Have faith in ones self from loving feelings in your heart,
Follow your visions of love and life from the start.
Expressing all feelings of love from your heart that is there,
Let no other change your visions of life that you care.
The walk through life with happiness will be,
Follow your heart and visions of Love you will see.
Look through windows of your dreams,
Our shared love and what it means.
The hugs and kisses of our past,
The ups and downs our love did last.
With in the memories of dreams so clear,
Our shared love was always near.
Through the windows our feelings deep,
With in our hearts our love we keep.
Don't close your eyes from dreams above,
Through those windows we found our Love.
Make those feelings from my heart come true,
Give me true love, which only comes from you.
Share that true love with in your heart that's there,
With all eternal feelings of love you share.
No matter how far apart our hearts may be,
Even beyond what our eyes can see.
Let me feel all eternal love you have with in,
Let it flow to my heart, carried by the wind.
Carried over highest mountains you see,
And across the waters of the sea.
Make those feelings of love come true,
And all my eternal Love will always be for you.
The one who causes falsely pain,
Knows no love that has a name.
True love comes with in ones soul,
From ones heart that love will flow.
Through time the good and bad will be,
From heart and soul that life you'll see.
The good from love you make the best,
The bad will bring, uneasy rest.
Bring forth your life, with love, not pain,
Then you'll find the love that has a name.
Visions from words, seen in your heart,
Brings reflections of love, which never will part.
The essence of feelings, from love you will find,
An aura of beauty, enchantment through time.
Illusions from memories from youth you'll behold,
Desire from dreams, now your heart has grown old.
Reminiscing those words that came from the past,
Those visions to share from love that will last.
the sea would mean also that both are blue, means that they are sharing also the ups and down .. If you throw a stone in the water, it easily gets reflected quickly on its surface.
agree with you on that..:D
let us fill this thread with so much love love..what a marvelous feeling..:)
I enjoy writing them and reading them...or would you prefer talking about wars and desastes...lets just enjoy it as achange..
love is like the blue water of the see..very clear and as much you can grip from it ..still it will stay full...
you are so inlove hmmm...good for you...:)
it`s something called feelings and emotion`s...
which are totaly human...but the leg thing....every creature can do..
" Fallen Tears "
Has Life changed when two hearts said good-bye.
Not long ago, but some days have past by.
Feelings once shared, has left memories of pain,
Love washed away from tears that have fallen like rain.
When many years go by, will those visions be there,
With all that Love shared and feelings with care.
Will pain be gone, replacing it with Love,
With true feelings once shared from heavens above.
No one knows what the future will see,
Fallen Tears from love or pain will there be.
Remove the memories of pain with time as you go,
Remember only tears of love and happiness will grow.
" Receiving Love "
Receiving love from ones heart will grow,
No matter if friend, lover or others you know.
This love is given with feelings and care,
Comes from their heart with love that is there.
Don't take that love and just walk away,
Share that love with others that day.
Put a smile on your face, so others can be,
Happy in life, with love they can see.
Peace of mind is destroyed. so just stick to one heart and ur own heart. and why only heart meet why not legs meet why not liver meet etc etc. :?
"Don't Cheat Your Heart"
Don't cheat your heart from the love you know,
Express that love from your heart and let it grow.
Forever feelings you share inside will be,
Enchantment of love will flow and you will see.
The ultimate love in your life you will share,
To that special love one, who you do care.
Even on cloudy and stormy days,
Your love will shine in the brightest ways.
So don't cheat your heart from that love you know,
Share with your loved one, so it will grow.
When two hearts meet and mate in time,
It's like new hearts that's born you'll find.
It's a birth of Love and feelings that is there,
Sharing that love and feelings that grow with care.
Passing of time and the sharing of life you will see,
Some rocky roads, but strength of love there will be.
The many loving feelings your heart will hold,
A maturing love and feel that you'll behold.
Reminiscing in time, when your hearts did meet,
Embracing that love that grew, with each heartbeat.
With In One Heart, two hearts will be,
With all shared Love you can see.
With in that love we shared through time,
The strongest feelings our hearts did find.
With in our hearts we shared so deep,
With all those feelings and love we keep.
Through the days of feelings end,
Our love was more then just a friend.
Two Hearts will beat with one you see,
With Memories of Love for eternity.
Do not dwell on heartbreaks of the past,
Restore your heart so love will last.
Search all feelings you have with in,
Never let sad days forever win.
Someplace deep in your heart will be,
So much love with in you'll see.
So restore your heart with love you know,
And those feelings from your soul.
With in your heart, your love is there,
For that special one you care.
I love you once,
I love you twice,
I love you more than beans and rice
So much love,my heart is melting.;-))))But they are wonderful to read.
Feel the heart beats to my soul,
From where my love and feelings flow.
Share with me my hearts desire,
Feel that love that you inspire.
Loving feelings with in the air,
Reflects new life from love we share.
We now have shared, our inner soul,
With all essence of love we feel and know.
Eternal Love we now have cast,
Brings new life for future last.
With in our hearts our love will grow,
From inner feelings, that love we know.
With warmth of love, like sunshine rays,
Bringing happiness, through all our days.
Sometimes with love, we may forget,
Those special times of love, when we first met.
To ensure our love, to show we care,
We'll embrace in love, that love we share.
From all shared love, that we will give,
Fulfills desire, for love to live.
From inner feelings, our love will grow,
Embraced in love, from love we know.
Take my hand and walk with me,
For you, all love my heart gives free.
No strings or promise you have to give,
Just give our love a chance to live.
Make all dreams you have come real,
Express all love your heart will feel.
Take my hand, I'll walk with you,
Sharing all days with love so true.
Those loving memories we will keep,
With in our hearts we hold so deep.
All that love we shared through time,
Will be the best our life did find.
Loving memories of those days,
Treasured visions in many ways.
Like walking beaches late at night,
Holding hands and hugs so tight.
Making a wish upon a star,
That all your love will go so far.
Many dreams you both will share,
With loving feelings you hold with care.
Don't forget those wishes made,
Don't let all those loving feelings fade.
Return to loving memories shared,
Walking beaches and days you cared.
Make a wish upon the stars you see,
All your love will return to thee.