Family Life

By dohajaysean •
Todays world time goes very fast .Parents have less time to care and listen their kids. what will be the future in this case .The world of touch.........................
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sorry kafiem everyone cant be father or mother
mine whats app number there you can discuss
take care brother
I don't think so, it depends completely on your priorities, people who don't care for kids & parents are having different life priorities set for them. I have seen people having kids in their early 40s and being good parents. It's about planning & prioritizing. Note anyone can become a father or mother but fathering a child & nurturing a child is different than producing the child. Yes, people are becoming practical, a race for money & other materialistic things are on an no knows when will it end.
sorry saddy buddy,everything is not in your control what you think is ok but what happend you dont know is it possible that all thing will happend as you have planned. i dont think so dear,now you only care your parents as a part not with feeling but when you will be father that time you will reliase that what pain your parents bear to cultivate you & this feeling is not is the feeling when you will understand the reality of parents before that situation you cant understand.which experience or knowledge you have that is only theorical but practical is more deep.
Thank u buddy :) Cheers!
Saddy ..... Wish you joys with your choice in the life ........ .......................... ...... Wed, 05.11.2014, 09.11 hrs
when i grow older...we both have decided what we need to do for that we already started planning...we have many VIP old home who will take care of you till your death for that you need to pay high money...which we will do to ensure we are ending our life peacefully. for us, we would like to live happily and do what we sacrifice...once u have kids in ur start scarifying ur happiness for them...which i dont like. ur health, ur happiness and ur life is front. thats me.
sorry molten buddy, i m not the normal man who wants to make kid and see my young one playing around. i want to lead a different life and look at soo many baby tiger who are suffering for basic needs (food+cloth+shelter)...why not helping them for a change? instead of putting more pressure on mother earth with population.
Look at the baby tiger ............ playing around ..........
Saddy , When you grow old ..... there must be somebody to care for you as you do for your parents ..................... ........... ............ ............. ............ .............. You will start feeling at 50 - 55 years of age ........... you may depend on your own a few decades more after 50s or a servant after that ...... it's possible but as they say blood is thicker than water ............. anyhow keep smiling .......... cheers ........ .. ...... Won't you like to share your knowledge / experience / wisdom with your own kids ? ...... ........... ........ ........ Wed, 05.11.2014, 08.33 hrs
Oh Saddyboy .................... ........... .......... ......... .......... . Wed, 05.11.2014, 08.26 hrs
Thats why me and my wife chose to live Childfree, concentrate only on our health, our future savings & retirement, some percentage for orphan kids. Look after our parents till their death. Visit atleast 2 countries every year....we are happily married for 7 yrs with no kids...and we dont have any regrets for it.
That's why we say ... '' can't do anything '' .........
Your worries are genuine , at school it's teachers' headache & at home it'll be the neighbours nightmare .......... when they grow old & work then it 'll be their bosses botheration ............................ ................ ...... ....... ...... Tue, 04.11.2014, 08.33 hrs