Are there any ukrainians in Doha?

By to_go_or_not_to_go •
hello dear friends! soon ...i'm going to move to Doha city , as far as i am ukrainian ...i would like very much to find someone from Ukraine who lives in Doha now for comunication and time spending... ... i am a girl, 24 .. all ukrainians you're are welcome ... just let me know u 'exist' in Doha :) Буду рада спілкуванню ...пишіть в коментарях
hi there im palestiniane born in qatar , well you accept me as your friend ? any way if you wish this is my mobile 55554904 in qatar .
Did you move to Doha and find any fellow Ukrainians?? I am moving there from Ukraine in a few weeks and hope to have my wife join me later in the year. She is Ukrainian and it would be good to know if there are any others there already
HI IM spanish and im also looking for freinds if you fancy met one day for a coffe or something let me know my mail is [email protected].
Dan .... Keep your hopes alive ...... cheers .....
Tue, 18.03.2014 , 06.57 hrs ...
I think that most of ukrainian went do Dubai :)
Really I didn't see too much persons from est european countries.
So, you are welcome and hope that you spend a good times here in Doha.