Where to find FRENCH translator?

By blackbeard •
Hi all..
I have a document which came from France and it is written in French language.. Where can I find someone to translate this?
Please I urgently need your help!
Thanks in advance...
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Babylon translation
Tel : 487 2158.
They are located near Tv round about.
Google translate works pretty well :o)
Try this numbers
are you dying to learn french?
Thanks galloper for your response and suggestions but unfortunately.... I have checked the French Embassy and asked if they have translation service but the lady on the other line says that they don't have any, unless it's French Embassy's "official" business. She then told me that I can try Translators in Doha but when I asked where can I find them, she told me she don't know. On the second option, I have visited the site and I doubt that someone will answer me since the summer break will start from 15 July until 15 of August..
Nevertheless, I appreciate your help and suggestions..
Best regards..
My guess is you have two choices
1.- Contact the French Embassy
2.-contact the CCF
Maybe they have translator services available or at least contact numbers to such services