translate in english

By jannah jannah •
Du hattest mich als Freund eingetragen
"Sorry ich konnte mit diesem Freundschaftseintrag nichts anfangen und hatte auch nicht gesehen das du Silke kennst. Da ich auch nicht mehr mit Silke zusammen bin, hat sich das auch erledigt denke ich mal. Also bitte nicht böse sein , war nichts persönliches ! Ok ?"
German to English translation - see below
You had me listed as friend and please try to understand it for I don't c',) heheheehe.
"Sorry I could not do anything with this friendship entry and had not seen it know that you Silke. Since I no longer am, together with Silke, which also has done I think. So please be not angry, there was nothing personal! Ok? "
Hope it help..
thanks to all of you and best regards!!!
Cut and paste it into Google translate
You had me listed as friend
"Sorry I could not do anything with this friendship entry and had not seen it know that you Silke. Since I no longer am, together with Silke, which also has done I think. So please be not angry, there was nothing personal! Ok? "
you have (hate)
you have (hate) me*
(4 x)
you have asked me
you have asked me
you have asked me
and I have said nothing
Do you want, until death do you part,
to be faithful to her for all your days
No, no
Do you want, until death do you part,
to be faithful to her for all your days
No, no
Do you want until the death of the vagina,
to love her, even in bad times
No, no
i blieve its dutch language .... look for any greman who will help u to translate it .
did you try translation online??? you can try that its free of cost.and doesnt take much time.