Looking for German tutor

By dancing star •
Hi guys,
I am looking for a German tutor that can help a friend of mine to learn German.
He is really interested and need to learn the language ASAP.
Please if u have any recommendation or u can help me with my request, I will be thankful.
Thanks in advance
Did u find anyone to help you? I am looking for the same now! Please advise . Thanks
please contact 30143204....
Contact Me if you like to learn German
contact me, if he like to learn German 66814780
contact me, if he like to learn German 66814780
I can teach German If he like to learn he contact me 66814780
One nice QL gentleman ''khalliwalli'' may help you on it , but don't give any commissions etc for the services to anyone. ............... Fri, 29.08.2014, 08.59 hrs