Filipino or Philippine Nationality?

Guys, is that official term "Filipino nationality" or not? For example, how in your, pinoys, contracts your nationality is stated? as Filipino nationality or as Philippine nationality?
EDIT: The comments below have it spot on....
FILIPINO = in general, male or female
FILIPINA = female
Filipino = male primate of Philippine Island origin
Filipina = lady version of Filipino =) =) =)
FILIPINO = in general, male or female
FILIPINA = female
As for correct usage of grammar "Filipino" is the nationality term. But i find it somehow in other websites they use "Philippines" when they asking of nationality. But the real correct term is "Filipino nationality"
Only one answer to that: FILIPINO
Filipino (like American, Qatari, Indian, Lebanese etc).
Country : Philippines
Nationality : Filipino
my nationality was left blank in my contract coz i have a long name... but usually when asked, always answer Filipino.
my nationality was left blank in my contract coz i have a long name.. but usually, when nationality is asked, i always answer Filipino..
Filipino is the nationality of the people of the Republic of the Philippines.