Can someone translate Chinese to English?

By wiselychaotic •
My son was born in China and his vaccination card is in Chinese. The doctors here asked me to get his vacination card translated to English/Arabic so they can see what vaccinations he has had and still needs. As far as I know his vaccinations are up to date but they have different vaccinations in China than here. If anyone can please help me I would be very grateful.
Try google translator!
Make the document in MS word and then get it attested.
Don't know about them personally, but you can inquire with them and get all answers. All the best!
Scan and send me the prescription. We have a native Chinese/ English translator in our company. I will get it trsanslated.
I have a chinese/English Translator in our company. scan and send me the prescription so that i can get it translated for you.
my colleague is from china, may she can help you....