Why skinny people find it hard to exercise…

Our society still equates exercise with compulsive exertions prescribed for unfortunate souls who are overweight. It’s hard enough to skip an hour’s sleep every morning and head out for your run without your family telling you it’s of no consequence. Even friends sometimes mutter, you are already sooo skinny, why do you have to run? AAArgh….
If only they knew that my running has absolutely nothing to do with weight management. ….
If only they knew that clothes need not look stunning on someone just because they have a skinny frame….
If only they understood ‘skinny’ does not equate to ‘healthy’….
If only….
Someone who is overweight will have everyone behind them. Goading them, encouraging them, supporting them;helping with their diets, pushing them to hit the gym….
Sympathising with their condition… being polite and politically correct- calling them “healthy- looking” or “chubby” instead of “big” or “fat’….
While the “skninnys” are mocked and made fun of…(and secretly envied!) It is completely acceptable to call a thin person names! He garners no support in his quest for fitness…no appreciation for his hard-work…
"Someone who is overweight will have everyone behind them. Goading them, encouraging them, supporting them;helping with their diets, pushing them to hit the gym…."............... And yet despite everyone being behind them, they are still fat!
Read more at http://jaznajalil.com/2014/07/21/why-skinny-people-find-it-hard-to-exercise/