what do you THINK of while running your first half-marathon?

Starting line-
Wow, so many turned up… As if that chudidar and adidas auntie will finish! Buhahahha…
Am I looking good…. Do I look a pro….
Oh oh! Is that fool there checking me out….
Oooooh…. My playlist… Yeah okay… Thank God music is allowed for this one…
Seesh …. They have started…..
1 km
Yuhoooo…. The wind in my hair, lovely Bangalore winter breeze….
Good I had that banana and honey toast….
7 km
Is that a niggle in my hamstring…. Inadeqaute warm-up, bad stretch….
Need some “pump-me-up” music…..Frantically search….
Press. Press. Press. Press.
Aah! Yea….. Pump it- BEP…. PERRRFECTO!
8 km
Where the hell is the km marking….
My throat is parched….
Did I tie my shoe- laces too tight?
Why does it seem like everyone is running faster than I am….
14 km
Huh huh huhu huh uh…. Even my brain seems to be panting….
Okay….One more down….
Just one to go…
15 KM….here I COOOOOOME…
Read more (with pictures)...
Not In Doha for sure.... This was a while ago...I do mention it in the blog...Bangalore!
Where & when it was held?
To read more... http://jaznajalil.com/2014/08/04/the-first-half-marathon-thought-thread/