Swine flue vaccine!!!!! Parents attention

By vishal_1970 •
Hi Parents! schools in Qatar asking parents consent over vaccination of swine flue for their kids. Does anybody know about the this vaccination weather any approved vaccination for swine flue is available in market and is it approved by any wold organisation like WHO?
The H1N1 (seasonal flu viral) and the 2009 H1N1 as it is being termed by doctors (or the swine flu viral) are 2 different virus. The shots being administered by the Govt here are of H1N1 seasonal flu vaccine, not the 2009 H1N1 swine flu vaccine.
The seasonal flu vaccine is safe for all. You should be thankful that you live in a country that has the good grace and care to offer it free. Would you get it for free in your home country?
This is a vaccine for seasonal flu and not swine flu.
vishal like said above
It is Seasonal Flu Vaccine
Its ok to get vaccine as its approved by WHO.
Qatar govt. will not give vaccine shots if its not approved by WHO and enough approvals.
Dear All,
Every year the worlds leading pharma companies come out with new flu vaccines , as the flu virus changes every one or two year , the vaccine MOH is giving IS safe and manufactured by worlds leading pharmaceutical companies , please note every year all the staff in hamad is given the seasonal flu shots , there is no point for un necessary panic , I BELEIVE THIS WILL ONLY SIMPLY IMPROVE THE IMMUNITY LEVEL OF YOUR CHILD.
One of the best way to protect is by keeping a high level of hygeine and keep yourself fit , please spend some time for exercise
seasonal flu vaccine! not swine flu vaccine... don't use it interchangeably.
Y;day my kids also brought consent form from school. But its not for H1N1. Its for common flu.
You may pls. read the consent form clearly...........