Shipping and importing over the counter medicine into qatar which is not available here?

By Penny Pearce •
Does anyone know if you can ship or import over the counter medicine into qatar from UK that is simply not available on the market here. It is not prescription and readily available in UK and USA, but not available here. other versions are available but they are not as effective. Will it be stopped coming in or do I need permission from the ministry of health. I want to buy it online and bring it over. Thanks
It is chronic, and I have been seeing a doctor for years!I have a doctor here I see almost weekly. I can bring it back with me, but I take it daily and will be doing for the near future so I cant bring nearly enough back with me. I have an alternative here, but it is always tricky to get hold of on the market here, everywhere runs out of stock. So I keep large supplies, however it would be much easier if I could bring it via online buying and ship it here. I'm wondering if the ministry of health will allow me to do this and get a license? I heard some people had brought meds/vitamins online and in from the states, and the ministry of health hold onto the items and the the shipper has to go there to collect their package rather than the post office. But their purchases have never been confiscated....
Do you know someone who is travelling from the UK who might bring it for you? I buy vitamins and supplements when I am home and bring them back with me - have never been stopped or searched on returning to Doha.
But if it's a chronic condition, perhaps you should see a doctor?
It's defintely not on the banned list I know that. They just haven't got an agent for the brand here, but have other forms of it made by other companies. It's for digestion issues and has nothing illegal in it whatsoever. Its just something I could do with a good supply of. The pharmacies here often run out of the stuff I'm using which gives me huge problems, at the moment I cant live without this stuff. But am thinking if I buy from boots UK and get it shipped here via their online website will it be confiscated on arrival. does anyone have experiences with this.
Be careful, some over the counter medications in Europe and other parts of the world are controlled or banned here. A popular muscle spasm medicine in North America contains some codeine which is not legal here.
Ignorance won't save you if it is discovered your UK OTC medicine contains something the MoH here has banned or requires a prescription. Do I think you'd be caught bringing in a bottle of XYZ? Probably not but I'm not familiar with what Qpost or the courier companies do to screen shipments.
I don't know if the MoH has list here but I know the UAE MoH has an extensive listing of controlled substances on their website.
yes you can not buy or sell any sort of drugs without a license. So dont bother.