Paying Out of Pocket for Health Care
If I am unable to bring my wife and son to Doha before acquiring six months of bank statements, I may be in a position where They will have to arrive on a regular entry visa and make monthly trips to Dubai and back to reset the entry visa window.
If this situation does take place, is it possible for me to purchase temporary health insurance for my wife and son prior to my sponsoring them for their own RPs?
No need for registration. ..when u get utilize it
BOXBE: I will have my insurance through my employer soon after arriving. My actual RP should take about six weeks after my arrival in Qatar. Are you saying that once I have my health insurance I should register at Naseem Al Rabeeha as my main medical center for health care? Or are you telling me that I should pay for additional health care coverage through Naseem Al Rabeeha? Thank you for the specific reference to Dr. Deepak.
Yes right...if ur in rp I suggest u make a health insurance for urself...u will save a lot...but for ur wife u can refer naseem al rabeeha. ..dr deepak
BOXBE: Thank you for the reference. Is this the Naseem Al Rabeeha you referred to?
Family visit visa if all docs are there then same day or maximum 2 working days
6 month visa is good option
I realize out of pocket health care costs could be expensive, but they will be expensive in our home country as well, as we have not been back there for four years and will not automatically have health insurance there. I was planning on having my wife and son wait two to three months before being able to come over on their own RPs under my sponsorship, but the more I research this whole process, the more I need to be prepared for a six-month wait, so I am preparing contingency plans. MATRI: You mentioned bringing the family over on a Family Visit Visa. I am interested in this idea, as I was thinking only of repeated Entry Visas, which allows my wife and son to come over whenever they wish. Even with the Family Visit Visa I still must wait one to two months after my August 23rd arrival to receive my own RP and ID before I can even process the Family Visit Visa. How long a stay does the Family Visit allow, up to six months? What is the average timeframe for being granted a Family Visit Visa, a few days, a few weeks? What is the cost for a Family Visit Visa? I will research this information online, but any information you can provide will be very helpful.
U can consult naseem al is not that expensive
Brother...if on visit visa...forget hmc because they prefer rp holders. ..until and unless really serious then they look only in the emergency department. make it easier the best is private hospitals
OBan , Remove the glasses of prejudice before you carry on with anything. ................ ....... ............ Tue , 27.05.2014 , 11.33 hrs
Obanhawy - More you comment more damge you do . You can't be at peace untill others around you are feeling same . Think for a moment before you plan to disturb someone's emotions. Being oversmart doesn't pay here on QL .
OBan , One side you 'r helping with a sick person's concern at the same time hurting a heathy one !
Anger and hatredness reduces life by atleast 15 % if not more ............................ .......................... Tue , 27.05.2014 , 08.49 hrs
Dominic , Right . Then your requirement for insurance is valid & very much imprtant . ......................... Tue , 27.05.2014 , 08.45 hrs
bring of family visit visa up to 6 months ,then change to RP
I appreciate the sentiments and the positive thinking, but my wife is a type-1 diabetic and requires insulin.
There is not much need for any insurance for them , I believe they are young and have good health ..... ...... Your worries are common & genuine but have no bases hence you may wait till their RPs ..... ................. Tue , 27.05.2014 , 07.15 hrs