November: Men’s Health Awareness Month

The aspect of men’s health awareness in November is mainly educating the world about prostate cancer and testicular cancer which can only be developed in male reproductive organs. But considering there is also World Diabetes Day on November 14th, we will take a close look at several diseases that can occur in both males and females.
For the case of focusing on men’s health this month, we’ll have men go first instead of “ladies”.
Men First…
Prostate Cancer
What is Prostate cancer?
Prostate is an organ located below the bladder. Its main function is the production of fluid for reproduction and making sure that fluid finds its way out of the body. This type of cancer is the most common type among men in Qatar. Prostate cancer can be found in women as well and is referred to as “female prostate”, but it’s mainly found in men.
Symptoms intersect with other problems that may not be prostate cancer at all, but if you experience any of the follow, please check and consult with your doctor:
- Difficulty starting or holding back urination
- Weak, dribbling, or interrupted flow of urine
- Blood in the urine or semen
How to reduce risk of prostate cancer:
Choose a low-fat diet: Meats, nuts and dairy products all contain fat, reducing the consumption of fatty foods can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
- Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat each day: Even though particular nutrient that can help reduce risks of prostate cancer is vague, vitamins found in fruits and vegetables won’t harm you, fruits and vegetables can always be beneficial to the body.
- Eat fish: fish and eggs are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which is a type that is good for reducing risks of prostate cancer. Eggs and fish like salmon and tuna are great sources of omega-3.
Testicular Cancer
What is Testicular cancer?
One of the organs that male bodies have that carry out multiple functions is the testicle. Testicles have two main functions that are the main biological characteristics of what a “male” is. One function is the production of sperm that play an important role in reproduction of offspring and the other function is the production of the male sex hormones called testosterone. This type of hormone is also found in women, but much lower than found in men, its function is to regulate the male body and its composition.
Sometimes what may happen is the activity of the cells in the testicles change. It may not necessarily be cancerous, it may in precancerous conditions which means the cells are not cancerous, but have a high risk of becoming testicular cancer. There are no clear symptoms to detect testicular cancer but here are some risk factors to consider.
With having issues in the testicles, that disturbs the factor of fertility. The less sperm count, the harder reproduction becomes.
Risk Factors:
- Family history of testicular cancer
- Undescended testicle(s): that is when the testes have not descended at birth into the scrotum which is the sack shown on the outer parts of the male reproductive organs, located between the legs.
- Infertility
If you suspect anything in your male reproductive organs, please consult your doctor. Treatment varies from one male to another and their situation.
Diseases which can occur in both Men and Women:
November 14th is World Diabetes Day, it is a day to educate and present updated information people must be aware of about diabetes.
Diabetes is common among people, there are many types and types that branch out as sub-types, but we will be informing you about Type 1 and Type 2, that occur in children and adults.
Myths say that Type 1 is common in children more than it is in adults and that isn’t true it’s quite the opposite, in spite this type was once called juvenile diabetes. Let me walk you through what each type is and details about how to prevent them or maintain a proper lifestyle.
Type 1:
Insulin is found in beta cells which are located in the pancreas. Once you’ve eaten a meal, the food is transformed to energy for the body. The pancreas detects the rise in blood glucose and secretes insulin to regulate the body’s blood glucose. Insulin helps the uptake of glucose into muscles and other cells it’s basically a hormone that regulates how the body uses and stores glucose and fat.
Insulin is released to lower blood sugar after pancreas detects blood sugar being high, however, if the pancreas detects the blood sugar being low, it releases glucagon which is a hormone that does opposite of what insulin does, it raises a person’s blood sugar level if it’s too low. If blood sugar drops too low, a person may lose consciousness or have a seizure.
Type 1 diabetes occurs when the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin in the body. Having beta cells destroyed can affect insulin production. aren’t functioning properly. That is when injecting insulin helps people with diabetes, basically outsourcing insulin.
Dangers of Type 1 Diabetes:
- Losing consciousness and seizing
- Eye damage, foot damage and damage to other organs in the body
Type 2:
With Type 1, the issue that occurs is the body not producing enough insulin to regulate the blood sugars. Type 2, however, is when the body’s inability to respond to the insulin that is called insulin resistance the pancreas would keep producing insulin until blood sugars are regulated, but the insulin wouldn’t function properly. The pancreas eventually reaches a point when it can’t handle and keep up with producing enough insulin.
People with Type 2 can regulate and maintain this type of diabetes by following a healthy lifestyle, in terms of food diet and exercise and your doctor can help by prescribing medications and insulin injections.
Dangers of Type 2 Diabetes:
- Increased thirst and frequent urination: Overload of sugar in the body causes building up in the bloodstream which causes fluid to be pulled from the tissues. This makes you dehydrated and at the result of drinking lots of water, it makes you urinate more frequently.
- Blurred vision: If body has excess sugar, fluid may be pulled out from the lenses of your eyes. That causes you to lose focus and get blurred vision.
- Increased hunger: Because you don’t have enough insulin to move your sugar into your cells, your muscles and organs starve of energy. That makes you extremely hungry.
However, the opposite may also happen to your body:
- Weight loss: The body resorts to other sources for energy; from muscle and fat, so the excess sugar, goes into the urine that’s what causes you to lose weight.
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