need some suggestion

Summer has just started, and m having problems at my home taking care of cokroaches. I have seen one little mouse also at my backyard. Does anybody know how to call baladiya office to come and put some medicine out in my backyard. Is it free or we have to pay them. Let me know if somebody can advise me. thanks.
I just find the Nomber for you
Call Jaffer: 55189385,77653663
Pest controller(Privet agency)
call pest control company they will do this for you...i suggest call BEOCKER PEST CONTROL , their record is good , just look their no. in the directory.
yes, my kitchen and backyard is clean but the thing is that in my neighbourhood, the next house is empty and it has been ages nobody entered that house we are sharing yards. It hasnt been rented out for many years. Most of the time the dirt and insects are coming from that side. THANKS FOR THE ADVICE
Dear friend,
First you make the kitchen and all the sorounding neet and tidy,That it self make this pests away.
The service from waladiya is free,
there is privet company also doing pest control.
go to nearest waladiya office directly.