Kidney Transplant in Hamad

My brother-in-law (30y.o) was diagnosed last Friday (Feb. 19) with Chronic Kidney Failure at Doha Clinic, he was then transferred to Hamad (HMC)for a dialysis until we find a donor for the transplant. on his first day in Hamad the Doctor told him that he could have the operation there in Hamad for free he just needed a donor. thus, we had each member of the family tested for a possible donor. upon knowing that his brother and sister have the same blood type ...i emailed his company, asking if they could sponsor a visit visa for his donor, thankfully they said that they will take care of the visa.
In the midst of this tragic situation, we still felt blessed to have these people around us who have a very kind heart to offer some help. we are very optimistic that we could have the procedure in Hamad. until last Friday (Feb.26), I had a call from my wife (she's also working there in Doha) she said that my brother-in-law will be sent home on Monday (that is today). She spoke to her brother's company and they told her that the medical team of Hamad called them telling that her "brother is dying" and he has to be sent home asap.
As i have spoke to my bro-in-law he is still very weak, blurry eye sight and still having nausea and vomiting. My wife asked his doctor if he could give him time to gain some strength for the 8hrs trip to the Philippines. and he agrees.
We asked for a time extension also to find out the chance of having the transplant there in Hamad cause that kind of operation here in the Philippines will really cost almost all our properties and we haven't recovered from the expenses of their father's hospitalization & death last month (also from lung stroke).
I posted his case here in QL thinking that you guys might give us some professional advise or your thoughts/ideas about his situation.
Does he really have to be sent home? any agency that we could run for help/assistance? He is still confined in Hamad.
If you need more details please email me at [email protected].
God Bless!
talk ASAP to Social Service in HMC they can advise you, they look after cases like yours
all the best for you and your family