karate or swimming classes

By Arabian princess •
hello...are there any gud karate or swimming classes for kids near mansoora...i want to enroll my child in some activites after school timings..ny help wud be appreciated
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Kalakshetra Qatar - School of Dance, Music, Art, Karate and Yoga offers all these classes. The School has experienced and qalified professionals to train. For further details contact ph.no. 44660084, 33930358.
Email:- [email protected]
soso2222 a correction to you H2O is no longer in the Al Sadd club facilities. They opened a new program in Doha College.
@ Arabian princess check the site posted by soso2222 and choose either ASD or Doha College for details on the programs; schedules and fees.
Try to go to H2O Swim club, they use the ASD and Al sadd club swimming pools for swimming classes, they are really good i sent my daughter their and they have swimming classes for adults and for fitness as well, check their website for more information
try to visit aspire.....my friend went there for her kids swimming lessons..perhaps they offer karate coz its a sports institution building up good athletes.