how to Lose weight???

By dHey by DhEy •
hello Qler's, i know you guys getting rid of this question...
but anyone have a quick technique how to lose weight??
especially tummy part!!
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The below shop sells many meizitang products,i took meizitang for a month and lost 20 lbs,what’s more,they have no side effects, no lie...If you’re interested in them,try hope helpful!
The below shop sells many meizitang products,i took meizitang for a month and lost 20 lbs,what’s more,they have no side effects, no lie...If you’re interested in them,try hope helpful!
gastric banding is the solution beleive me, i know more than two people who already had this gastric banding operation it's very useful and really it changed their lives
Do u really wanna be slim..? i lost 10 kgs in 2 months.But its a secret..!! Do u wanna know..?
1. when u wake-up have cup of tea or coffee without milk and one spoon of suger (normal suger)
2. sure u will feel hungry after some time... just keep anather tea cup (with suger) next to u... and when ever u feel u want to eat somthing have a sip from it... u will reach to lunch time sooooooo hungre
3. on lunch time eat what ever u want....but try to eat minimum 4 different things (rice+chicken+salad+Yogurt) and only drink water...and u have to eat equal quantities
from each kind....(not to much rice and little chicken salad, Yogurt).... dont worry u will not eat too much as u think...the tea which u drinking from morning to lunch blocks ur stomach...and u eat just for enjoing the food.... and Now u r full... go back to ur work or what ever u want to do but dont sleep...(keep moving).
4. try to eat the food which u dont like(or u never try it befor)this will change the Routine of body to store fat (if u dont eat fish or meat) u have to start eating it.... and alwayes dont eat same kinds of food in same day...(if u eat rice on lunch u have to eat bread on dinner
5. after 3-4 h from lunch u will feel u want to drink or eat somthing....drink tea or normal papsi or juice
but dont dink it all in one sip....drink one sip only
(feel the taste of the drink not to fill stomach)
6. dinner time ???.... here u gain weight.
dont eat till u feel u r tooooooo much hungry, when u start feeling it start prepare ur dinner.... same thing at lunch , mix ur food....dont sleep after eatting...(keep moving).
7. the main things is to feel not to fill
Thanks a lot lunituna.. :)
Thanks a lot lunituna.. :)
Google for "General Motors weight loss programme". you will find a diet shedule for one week which will loose your weight by about 6kg within the week. It works and I have done it two times and reduced my weight by 10.7kg in a month.
Search it on google..
Well Dieting is good and effective but its quite slow process, Most effective is Exercise if u do particularly for abdominal muscles. And make sure to Quit 3 things,
1. Sweets
2. Rice
3. Sleeping immediately after having meal.
Hope u will feel the difference, Good Luck
Honestly, there is no quick way. An unhealthy way is to take a diaretic, but you will lose only water, not fat. That is a temp. fix.
As far as medication, there is only one which is called Orlistat. It inhibits the enzyme that breaks down fat, so this will allow fats to pass through you. Other than that, the other diet aids are false, or caffiene-based. In that case, drink coffee.
The not eating rice at night is good advice. Remember, it is down to physics: when you eat about 7500 more calories than you burned, you gained a kg. the same is true for losing it.
what is that??
give me that :-)
Dieting is effective but its quite slow process, Most effective is Exercise specially if u do it for abdominal muscles. And make sure to Quit 3 things, 1.Sweets 2.Rice 3.Sleeping immediately after having meal. I m sure U wil see better results :) Good Luck