How to add weight ??

By jasimthani •
Im a male 24 yrs old, with Height of 170cm and 62kg weight.
As I heard, normal weight for 170 cm height is to be minimum 70kg.
In line with that, I would like to add my weight min 6 to 7kg.
Can Any one please kindly help me ./ what I have to do to add weight ?/
pls kindly advise me ..
thanks and regards,
eat daily 4 kilo pototo
start eating too much shawarmas and KFC as well then u will c the difference! good luck!
Salam Jasim !
For your age and height, your weight is ideal. Take my advice, don't try to add anymore weight by eating. It will add on automatically as you grow old. To look good and feel better, join a gym and start weight training. Concentrate on Chest, shoulder and thighs. Remember muscle is more heavier than fats. So gaining 6 kg is nothing. Don't overdo it. Just do 3 to 4 sessions a week, 45 minutes max.You will not only gain 'weight'(muscle), but you will also really feel good about yourself.
If this is for vanity you don't want to add weight by getting fat, you need to build muscle. Go to the gym, lift weights and swim to build the muscles in your shoulders and upper body. If you can afford it, get a personal trainer.
You should be happy that you are slim. If any one is teasing you then they are jealous of you. Just ignore them. Be slim and healthy. Don't ever think of becoming fat. Many people are struggling to reduce their fat.
Mr. Jasmin asking HOW CAN I GAIN WEIGHT???
Myself I am asking all of you HOW CAN I LOOSE WEIGHT? Now I am carrying 104 KG. As i am doing Exercise at Aspire.
Dear Jasmin, eat good food like fish, pototos, chicken, vegitables etc. as much as you can. Dont over eat. Avoid smoking... You can see the tremendous changes in your body by 3-4 months.
Do exercise too...
Best of Luck..
This is a dumb question i might say...JUST EAT A LOT!
Try to eat undermention items on daily basis:
Banana, Fried Potatos, boiled eggs, Milk, Rice, meat, Prawns
Dear Maxmo,
First of all. let me appreciated for your kind generousity, I am really happy for that.
Thank you for your kind reply.
I have known that, my BMI is ideal. But to luks, I feel and others saying in litle slim and I have to add weight. That makes me sad !!
Thats why I am just planning to add wight lik 4 to 5 kg..
Where I can shut others mouth !!
And also, I feel that, I should add weight to be like handsome lik other ,,.. hhehe (selfish ne,.. sorry)
Thanks once again Maxmo. Have a good day ahead..
Kindly don't reply to the forum just for the sake of answering and wasting your time & others time. This is a fair question and he is expecting a fair answer. Stop wasting time by giving stupid & to certain extent dangerous answers that would put on in to risk of falling sick seriously.
Dear Jasim,
As per Body mass index (BMI) your weight is ideal and there is no serious need to put on any additional weight by eating junk food and increasing your body fat. If you are really keep to gain the healthy weight, then better start working out in your local Gym and concentrate on gaining more muscle. Speak to your personal trainer at the Gym or consult your family Doctor/Dietitian who can guide you on what to eat and what not to gain healthy weight.
Eating junk food and fast food is no good, so please don’t even think about it.
All the best.
Your BMI is 21.5 and anything that falls between 18.5 to 24.9 is considered NORMAL & Healthy.
PS: You can check your BMI at
eat me :d
Kindly don't reply to the forum just for the sake of answering and wasting your time & others time. This is a fair question and he is expecting a fair answer. Stop wasting time by giving stupid & to certain extent dangerous answers that would put on in to risk of falling sick seriously.
Dear Jasim,
As per Body mass index (BMI) your weight is ideal and there is no serious need to put on any additional weight by eating junk food and increasing your body fat. If you are really keep to gain the healthy weight, then better start working out in your local Gym and concentrate on gaining more muscle. Speak to your personal trainer at the Gym or consult your family Doctor/Dietitian who can guide you on what to eat and what not to gain healthy weight.
Eating junk food and fast food is no good, so please don’t even think about it.
All the best.
Your BMI is 21.5 and anything that falls between 18.5 to 24.9 is considered NORMAL & Healthy.
PS: You can check your BMI at
yes boss.
Im started Gym from last two months,, muscles are coming and but no weight is added !!!
Im eating normal food like morning sandwich(beef), for lunch rice and fish curry.. and dinner some good foods with chicken mutton curry..everything cocked by my mom..
but no ipmrovement.,,...
you can take all my fat.. i am more than happy to donate to you :))
jokes apart..if you want to put on fat then put on muscles and not just fat. each regular diet with supplement of carbohydrate and exercise. it will build your muscles and muscles weights more than just fat and healthy too.
otherwise you can just dig into chocolates, sweets, ice cream, cheese and in 3 months you will reach your 5-6 kg.
Big Boss Burger No Tomat
Large curly fries and cheeder sauce
3 times daily
Wear heavy dresses to make up from 62 kg to 70 kg(just kidding).
what r cardohydrate foods ??
any other option pls....
Eat lots of Carbohydrates