HIV symptoms
Hi everyone,
Am experiencing HIV symptoms like and am scared to go to govt clinics for screening.
If I go to private clinic will they keep it confidential if the results are positive? Can I receive HIV medication here in Qatar?
I think I have opportunistic infections because am having night sweats and sometimes I have experience shortness of breath, dry mouth and sore throat.
Please help!!
Hi everyone, I just want to thank all of you who helped and encouraged me. Thanks for all of your PM's and advices. that I received.I never ignored any and am so happy now.Am currently at home just one hour ago I got the results and I had to come to the internet cafe to share my joy and to say thanks to all QL members who were so helpful.I followed your advice and I came home and got screened two days ago.ELISA TEST was done and it was Negative.I want to thank you all who helped me it is a blessing to have this site. I will be back in Qatar after five days.May God bless you all.
prior to issuing QATAR ID - two things QATAR GOVNT. REQUIRES : 1.BLOOD CHEMISTRY for infectious deseases one of which is HIV. 2. FINGER PRINTING.
HIV is not an overnight disease , it progresses as days go by from the time of infection , meaning there is a great possibility HIV was detected in you the time u have submitted yourself for BLOOD CHEMISTRY.
there are other possibilities as per your account on the sypmtoms it could be the symptoms of DIABETESe which is very common now a days and it ranks no.3 world wide.
have your self checked.
i will pray for u... itz gonna b ok.. dnt worry .. ;)
Thanks People,
I appreciate all your contributions and I will follow your advice.
I pray that all of you are right, and the results are going to be negative.
After I web searched I just got self convienced that am HIV postive.
I have read this a thousand times ***After the symptoms of seroconversion illness clear, HIV-disease enters its longest stage, the asymptomatic. This stage lasts for an average of 10 years, and there are no symptoms present during this time.
Symptoms will not appear again until the immune system has become severely weakened by HIV, during third-stage HIV-disease (symptomatic HIV). This stage is marked by a chronic flu-like illness, with other symptoms including night sweats, the development of fungal infections, weight loss, and skin and breathing problems, according to*** and yes you guys are right I should see a Doc before I lose my mind.
cool man this is becouse of diabetic go and check u have high sugar not HIV as u think
These Symptoms may not be because of HIV Virus surely because of some other decease, may be you are afraid because of your relation with someone?! anyway if you have doubt in that way, better not to go for Hamad Hospital, they will trate you badly and will deport you (incase it is true). Better go for a short vacation to your country and make a test there.
hey nothing to worry!!
its normal symptoms!!
as per indian law there keep it confidentilal!!!
y u suspect?? had u slept with any prostitutes!!
ur symptoms cause of this climate!!! nothing to worry!!!
but check it,,,
by the grace of allha nothing happen!!!
I agree with drmana...HIV infection is asymptomatic (no physical symptoms). The virus attacks the immune system thus making the body susceptible/vurnerable. Once infected, a simple cold or fever could be deadly.
So, if you're feeling any symptoms, it is likely that you have something else. or else you'll be bedridden and wouldn't be able to even make/write this question here.
BTW...why do you think you have HIV? Did you make any "contact" (without "protection")?
hey,maybe this is fake.
Other diseases have similar symptoms to those that you describe. Self diagnosis is dangerous. It is best to go for a full and proper medical check, receive the correct treatment, and put your mind at rest. I do not know the situation regarding HIV but I do know that once you are resident there are very few diseases, if any, that require mandatory deportation. I would recommend Hamad Hospital where diagnosis and treatment is good and is almost free.
Do not delay.
Why do you suspect you have HIV? HIV itself does not have symptoms. The symptoms you have may be due to many other diseases. Even if you have some reason to suspect HIV, get yourself screened at the earliest. Do not hesitate to get yourself some medical help.
you could be run down, stressed and have anemia
please don't worry - and get yourself checked
my friend, Please be cool. Just go do a full medical check. Better think too much here. Every 1 also some time facing bad. Dun Worry. I am behind you.....Please make your self positive thinking ok...