Have anyone heard about energizing water

By rekha sohan •
Have anyone heard about energizing your health by drinking water ? I have seen & experienced by using BIO DISK and energizing our body all day long. Can any body share the experiences........ Thanks.
.....Baldrick - I'm with you mate... think very carefully before you spend good money on what (to me as a health professional) makes absolutely no sense either chemically, physiologically or practically, and has no supporting evidence base.
The only changes you'll see in your life are in your wallet!
Baldrick, you can attach two wires to the water, run a current through it, excite an electron and wait for it to fall back to its original energy level. The radiation will "energize" the compound.
energized water is better at removing toxic material from the human body since it is basically more purified and therefore absorbed better.
About US$ 700/-
YES I know
Very popular in Australia
Not sleeping
Excellent in memory
Mumbo Jumbo!
Water is essential 2 atoms of Hydrogen combined with 1 atom of Oxygen. How the eff do you energize it?