green card vacsination
By khaleed722 •
can anybody tell me green card for vacsination office where it is..for my child she born in private clinic ...first vacsine given to clinic i want to transfer this vacsine to hamad i have to register in helth centre for green card..before the office is in abu hamur now wher it is..please help...
after vegitable market small R/A take stright and take left from the next R/A after 2 to 3 KM's on your right side you can see the mesaimer health centre. don't forget to take the passport copy, photo and previous vaccination card brought from your home country.
please give me detail route ...near vegetable market
The new location is at Mesameer Health Center-the first building when you enter the compound. (opposite to Wholesale market). Opens in the morning hours and 4-10pm in the afternoon.
I did the same thing...follow khaleed instructions..
i had got the green card made from the mesaimeer heath centre last week(green card are only made there). once the green card is made, go to your nearest health centre.
get the green card registered and health card made for further vaccinations.