Fitness commercialized?

Do not misunderstand. I love to run. I aspire to be fit and healthy. As fit as I can possibly manage to be whilst juggling home, career, motherhood, wifely duties, creative pursuits, reading …
I am not one to judge if someone does not like/wish to exercise. Their bodies. Their choice. And I do understand that even though a moderate amount of exercise does help us health-wise, it guarantees nothing when it comes to illness and mortality.
There are instances of super- fit people dying of sudden and completely unexpected cardiac arrest. Runners and weight lifters routinely suffer from minor niggles, aches and pains. Super- fit people can suffer from eating- disorders and have psychological problems. Extreme avocation to fitness and exercise may even be a manifestation of underlying mental ills, troubles, insecurities. So, don’t ever tell me that only “fit” people are happy and healthy.
Fitness pursuits are never- ending. You want to be leaner. You want to run faster. Or longer. You want more bulk. More definition. You will always have problem areas. Your friends and family might find it insane- but you are never satisfied. This is the downside….
Sadly, the fitness –frenzy is going a bit overboard these days. The crazy diets, pointless starvation, over- exertion….
The ad nauseam before- and-after photos…
The hyper- ripped inhuman body portrayals…
The stick-figure runway models
The ultra- marathon runners…
Work- out obsessed celebrities with their millionaire trainers…
The mental work-out schedules ….
The super- exclusive, mindlessly expensive gym memberships…
The uber- technological clothes and work-out gear…
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Yes, I agree. I love being leaner but much love to see fat in appropriate places.
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