Expat healthcare.
Hi,all you very helpful QL's out there. Can any of you inform me of the procedure for registering/paying to be able to get routine(or otherwise) healthcare here? My husband is cared for through his work,but I am not. As the ladies amongst you will know what I mean,I am about due for routine "female" check ups
Also,once registered,do I have to attend a certain medical center,or can I choose? I live near Villagio and theres seems to be a lot of medical centers around! Do I pre-book,or turn up...sorry so many questions!
Thank you kindly for your help,in advance.
Hamad General Hospital - is the only QATAR GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL covering medical for all Qatar residents - medical expenses at a very cheap rate. Hamad Medical Centres are there everywhere in Qatar almost in every zone extending medical for the Qatar residents. You may find it easily with a GREEN sign. You may find the HMC nearest to where you live and visit there for registration with your copy of your RP. Within 2 weeks they will issue a ID card (HEALTH CARD) with that you can visit Hamad General Hospital for any major illness or for emergency. I think the treatment even is free in most of the cases or with th minimum charges. Hamad General Hospital is opp. Lulu Centre.
Sorry to be so ignorant,but what is a Hamad card? My husband is in the Military,so I am not covered at all with him! Thank you so far folks.
If your husband is covered by Insurance, sure you also will be covered under insurance. Once you have the insurance card, you can visit any medical centre covered by that insurance. Otherwise only Hamad Medical. You need to apply for Hamad Health card with your RP at your nearest Hamad Medical centre.
You need to register at your local clinic (the one with the green hexagon thingies).
Check your Hamad medical card. it tells you which one you can go to.