Eco friendly and all natural underarm deodorants - where can I get these in Qatar?

By nvanhattem •
I'm trying to reduce the amount of toxins that I'm absorbing through my skin.
What products are available in Doha?
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there is a product available in doha called forever living products of USA. they have aloe vera stick for the under arm.
hi there, i used freshly squeezed orange for my dandruff, it works just fine, also my son is using lemon for his underarm, just let it dry before putting your shirt, this help you protect with smell as well as makes your underarm whiter.
The best thing to do is read and search on the internet. Then read all labels to avoid these certain ingredients. It takes some research.
SebaMed brand is OK
Plain arabic olive oil soap is an excellent choice. The other major leading brands actually put detergent in the soap like washing with laundry soap.
Clean up your lifestyle. Read what Hulda Clark has found in her studies about what chemicals to avoid in your personal products.
If you want something to apply to your skin, nothing beats olive oil.
Just some suggestions, hope it helps some.