Contaminated mineral water

By public_awareness •
Does anybody know where we can register our complain regarding the Contaminated water? I have few sealed bottles of branded mineral water with black particles.
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Dear all thanks for the valuable suggestions.
As suggested I have already registered my complain to Ministry of Municipality & Urban Planning and hoping for their reply asap. I have the sealed bottles as proof to show them.
For your information the Brand is "MASAFI" so be careful whenever you purchased this brand..
can u share us what brand these bottles so that we take precausion...
I also recommend going public through the papers, I believe they have the most impact in such cases.
Retailers have screwed up one time too many, and this needs to stop. I still can remember buying expired diapers for my infant from city center's major retail shop, only to be given a cold shoulder by the manager and an offer for a credit note , at the end I made sure they learned their lesson
In normal situations the Doha Municipality is responsible for carrying out inspections in this regard. As mentioned, complaints can be made through the Municipality website under the food observation section. Alternatively, they can be reached on Food Observation Section - Doha Municipality Phone number: 4347631 - 4347663
You can contact the Head of Dept for the Food Control Dept at 4347633. Maybe they can assist you.