Can anyone donate O- blood ?

Assalam-o-Alaikum Everybody,
I urgently require 6 "O-" blood donors for my father's heart by-pass surgery. My father's blood group is O- and he can only receive O- blood. The blood bank also does not have O- blood, so please who ever is eligible and willing to donate blood for my father can contact on these numbers (77025844, 55526340) as soon as possible.
To keypasswords,I am not sure that your blood group is O- or O+. If its O-, then only you can help us. If its O+, then it won't work.The medical facilities in Doha are little short but upto satisfactory standards. You can donate blood at Hamad Hospital Blood Donation Unit.About rewards, I think that the only way I can repay your kindness is by giving blood to you when ever you need. Other than that, I don't have anything which can satisfy you. But if I pray for you to God, I am sure he will give you a great reward for your help.
Keypassword..... God will award you.
key password ...u shud be ashamed in asking this question as to any award will be given..
some things in the world are also done without any rewards being expected for the sake of humanity...!!!!!
I am O blood type, but i don't know how to help you because i am just coming to Doha for one year and do not be familiar with Doha.
By the way any awards to someone who helps to donate the O blood to you ?
I am O blood type, but i don't know how to help you because i am just coming to Doha for one year and do not be familiar with Doha.
By the way any awards to someone who helps to donate the O blood to you ?