Al Ahli Hospital

Can anyone pls give me the phone # and the address of Al Ahli Hospital.
Also If you could pls recommend a ENT that works there !
Thank you
you can also email on [email protected]
Thank you...
Can anyone pls give me the phone # and the address of Al Ahli Hospital.
Also If you could pls recommend a ENT that works there !
Thank you
you can also email on [email protected]
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try Magrabi, beside Al Ahli Hospital, they have good ENT doctors there. I recommend Dr. Handoussa for nose and throat problems. He did my surgery and went all smoothly. Their # 4884000.
needah a reference for you in google maps,-95.677068&sspn=17.916073,56.162109&ie=UTF8&hq=al+ahli+hospital&hnear=Doha,+Qatar&ll=25.337665,51.508369&spn=0.039718,0.109692&z=13
hello. yes the phone number of al Ahli hospital is 4898000. location is after u cross grand regency hotel to ur right tht u c ull come across a sports roundabout go straight ull c another round about u go straight further ull see traffic signal intersection from there u take to ur left go further tht road to ur right ull c al-ahli hospital board. ur welcome in advance.
00974 4898520
Dear Needaah,Al-Ahli hospital is right infront of Shezan Hotal.since you are from pakistan you must be knowing the location of Shezan restorent.When you will enter in this hospital there is ENT clanic its name is MAGRABI.. They are one of the best in gulf..Good luck.