Prisoners refuse to leave jail after enjoying serving time!

A news item just appeared on the MSN website under the following caption:
11 female prisoners refuse to leave UAE jail after enjoying serving time
The inmates spoke of their great time in jail. They said they folllowed structured programs aimed at helping rehabilitate them after they had served their sentence. The jail had a library, recreational hall and space for sports. Some of them got to learn new skills. Good food was served to them and there was no discrimantion present.
In a similar incident I came across while I was in Saudi Arabia over a decade back, a male prisoner just didn't want to leave jail after he had completed his sentence. The man was serving a two-year sentence when he was caught by the authorities running a gambling den.
Several months before he was to complete his term in the prison, he began begging the Jail Superintendent telling him he would not like to go home. He kept begging for this almost on a daily basis. Nearing the end of his sentence the Superintendent was forced to ask why he doesn't want to go free.
The man replied:
"Sir. While I was working outside, I was earning Saudi Riyals 900 as a monhly salary. While inside the jail, I wash the clothes of Saudi prisoners and iron their Thobes and Gutras. I manage to collect around SR 2200 each month from them. Which is better, Sir? Inside the jail or outside?"
Life's like that!