Would You Kill Him or Help Him Escape?
By MarcoNandoz-01 •
After looking into this poor creatures little eyes, would you help it get away, kill him or hope the cat catches it?
note: I posted this thread under funnies last night and now it's nowhere to be found. what's going on QL?
I will not interfere in the mother nature’s decision. Will leave the mouse / mice/ rat to its destiny.
I like cats and I hate mouses (Actually Never met any)
I'll give the sweet cat a nice mouse dish for lunch :O)
I would not interfere in nature's course. Cat is looking for his food. Let him have it. Nobody lives forever. We are not programmed for that. If untimely death doesn't get you, sickness and old age will definitely. Life is just a game.
help the mice to escape & give some meat to cat.........how's this?
That mouse can holla at me anytime and I'd come to rescue it
haha you know i'm scared to death of mice/rats..i once drove to one end of Al Nasr street to eat my rocket shawarma because I saw a huge rat at the other end and just couldn't have him that close to me lol..and yet this guy in the pic; I'd save him definitely..look at him!!:-)
I don't know.. I think the one who was working in night shift is pretty new.. :)
LLR: What went wrong?
I remember visiting the kitchen at Rizks' Emporium and seeing a few mice wandering around. Rizks said that they kept the coackroaches away :O(
I must admit, I don't know them to be different. In SL what is referred to as a mouse is pretty much the same as a rat, armed with all the atrocities, but of a smaller size. So I have not met an innocent mouse..yet!
i will help the little fellow... look at his eyes...
Lol :) Yes last night.. after few comments , It was oooooppssseddd :) I thought the Bond mouse has taken up. :)
You would take an innocent life ?
This is a mouse .. NOT a rat :o)
Tom & Jerry :)
I am going to live in a house with a mouse..specially with all the diseases and mischief he is capable of spreading. Sorry but either he leaves pronto, or he dies!
Would save the little mice & feed hhim cheese poppadums...:)
I will help him
a life for now ...
I would help the poor mite. That room looks dirty and can be bad for his asthma. :o(