Who is your favorite actor in Hollywood?

Tom Cruise is my favorite actor in Hollywood. He has done a fabulous job in Rock of Ages movie.
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Angelina Jole
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then ill have to chose
Gene Hackman..
John Travolta.... :-)
The question was "favourite actor" - singular, one :o)
Meg ryan - u've got mail
Cameroun Diaz - there's something about Mary
JULIA ROBERTS - all her films!!
Mel Gibson - all his films acting or producing
Nicolas Cage
Angelina Jolie, Robert Downey & Bradley Cooper
Harrison Ford and Sean Connary......
ur an EPIC Dude.. ^_^v
Jim Curry...:)
I'll go for Robert De Niro, John Travolta and Al Pacino!
Sylvester Stallone, Arnold, Vin diesel
Jack Nicholson must be an all time great. Loved The Bucket List and As Good as it gets :O)
Gene Hackman, Samuel Jackson, Morgan Freeman, Dustin Hoofman and Sean Conorey..
Jack Nicholson
Brad Pitt :o)
Susan Sarandon. Rene Russo. Meg Ryan
Edward Norton - American History X, Fight Club, Kingdom of Heaven, The Illusionist,
Denzel Washington - American Gangster, Remember the Titans,Unstoppable
Nicolas Cage - Lord of War
Mark Wahlberg - The Departed, The Fighter, The Italian Job
Christian Bale - The Fighter, The Machinist
liam neeson, denzel washington, jason statam & keanu reeves
Jason Statham,Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone and angelina...