what if your husband or lover is a verbal abuser?

hi friends! just want to know your opinions. what if the person you really love, and who claim to love you no matter what, is always hurting you through a verbal violence? why they are like that if he realy love's you? and why you still love your verbal abuser? what are the signs of a verbally abused person?
just dont give your p-u-s-s-y for a month then i think he'll be a good boy,can i get your e-maill address LOL
You leave.
It depends on the circumstances if it's continuous abuse then leave; if you truly love the individual then help them, try to find out why they do it and why to the person they claim to love. Are they insecure, are they pressured in the workplace ect. Have you tried seeking therapy to try to solve the problem.
Good luck hypothetically speaking.
Is he always like this or at times??
If he is always like this then forget it .. he is hopeless... no point in arguing with him...its more or less either take him the way he is or leave him.
If at times then try to find out the reason..it could be something at work, with friends or his past thats bothering him. May be his father was that type too... well there are several factors but you are only one who can decide how to deal with him...
Is this man an arrogant Jiggerboo? I suspect he well may be.
sad to say, im a wife of a verbal abuser. i know and i feel we love & we need each other very much. but sometimes, when we have a fight which is normal for a couples, i was always the one who is broken at the end. he never say sorry, never accept his fault. the one who is wrong, keeps on talking & talking. my patience,love,understanding, and faith in god, thats all i have to save my marriage.
Hi Romantica....
Well to me it looks like an ego problem. Some people want to be the eye of attention always & ego centric. They feel insecured of anything & everything they do.... Eye of attention in the sense that u need to keep asking ur partner how was ur day, how was ur meeting, blah blah... Even if a slightest of the talks abt other aspects they feel disintrested. They try to bother U in most of ur things & ask questions for which they hav ready answers.... In case u reply the opposite way, then the argument starts.... So be careful... If one is not still committed then watch ur step carefully.... When people usually fall in love both the partners tend to give out only good charecterstics, its only after a period of time u will know the true colours. E'thing is accepted & fine initially but when things start falling apart, only then will u c urself in the real state of love....
find a new one
Could be the frustrations of ones work place...........or dissimilar opinion, likes etc in most of the instances. Home aren't low-
Please do some soul searching and find reasons.... try to resolve the issues which are causing it... You can find the problem in you too... Its very difficult to find a true love, so value it... Best of luck...
It says he don’t love, Jus pretend. Kick him off.
That is really sad to hear if you are that person. Is it through temper? How often does this happen?
Verbal abuse is no different from physical abuse. Verbal abuser are in my opinion usually "control freaks". You put up with it thinking that because you love them, they will change. They don't.
They need help. If they refuse, leave them!
normally this verbal abuser strikes you emotionally... you cannot also talk to them properly, coz they will tone down for a while but later on, will do the same thing.. if you gone tired of it, you got no other option but to leave them..but when you leave them be firm not responding to their calls, messages.. coz you will get hurt.. more..
Then you kick him on the balls or poke him in the eyes.