Watch the Clip of the American TV Channel ,,,,

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Really funny ... no offense pls. but are they really like this!!
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Really funny ... no offense pls. but are they really like this!!
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Lisa ... who has given so much freedom to media to make such jokes of the nations ? due to just few stupid people interview they are representing as whole USA us stupid ?
I know that is not fact but i was surpirsed how can there be so much freedom for everything in media's hands !!!
Why don't public come on the street against such media and destroy their office so that other media will not dare to do such step in future !
These are typical "Man on the Street Interviews". They are done all the time. They stand on the streets for long periods of time and only put the "stupid" people on. Of course there are some not so "intelligent" people in the US just like any other country.
Kind of silly in my opinion. You usually see these type of things on Jay Leno or David Letterman late night talk shows. Kind of sad that the so called "news media" stoop to this. It is usally done as a kind of comedy thing. CNN is my least favorite news outlet anyway - doesn't surprise me that they did this.
You guys have a good day.
its very starnge
i think its fake
We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors; but they all have to learn to live in the same box.
Its a true video ...
Eid Mubarak
cant believe it true or a fake video?
Ramadan kareem.