US man convicted of robbing piggy bank

US man convicted of robbing toddler's piggy bank
US: A man convicted of stealing USD 20 from a toddler's piggy bank has been sentenced to six years in prison.
Four-time convicted burglar Ryan Mueller was convicted on Thursday of felony burglary as a repeat offender in a Sheboygan, Wisconsin court.
Prosecutors say the 31-year-old Mueller broke into a home in August 2007 and stole money from a two-year-old girl's piggy bank while she slept, the Sheboygan Press reported.
They say the girl's mother walked into the room and caught Mueller in the act.
Mueller also was sentenced to five years' probation. He is to serve his sentence consecutively to a six-year prison sentence he was handed in June for a separate burglary conviction.
Well britexpat, that's a tough one. I haven't followed the stats closely but it seems repeat offenders are just that. Therefore the punishment should fit the crime. The 3 strikes, I believe pertains only to felony crimes.
As you know, many states in the US are now encouraging the use of the "Three Strikes" rule. This means that for a third offence, no matter how petty, you are automatically imprisoned.
Do you think that's a good rule, or too harsh for petty criminals and perhaps kleptomaniacs..
Lol.........janey j
" Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated"
....G.B. Shaw
He has ran out of robbing tactics. Sadly $20 won't get him to robbing school.
Most common thieves are not smart.
britexpat - His 6 years is for a prior conviction. He gets 5 years probation for the piggy bank incident.
Sad truth is he'll do more time than the crooks that just cost the global markets a USD $1 trillion, 5 nation central bank bailout.
now wat was he thinking? he can fulfill his dreams with 20 dollars... if he robs a bank i can get it.. but piggy bank? Wow..
Zero tolerance is the answer.. However, he will cost the taxpayer hundreds of thousands to keep him in prison. {erhaps, a chain gang would be a better option..