Try This ! :)

Find out who your role model is - mine was Einstein !
FIRST, do the simple maths below.
THEN, scroll down to find your hero.
It is truly remarkable just how accurate this is!
1) Pick your favourite number between 1 and 8
2) Multiply your choice by 3
3) Add 3
4) Multiply again by 3
5) You'll get a 2 digit number.....maybe 42, for example
6) Add the digits together. Example 4 and 2 = 6
Now Scroll down.
With that number, see who your ROLE MODEL is from the list below:
1. Albert Einstein
2. Oprah Winfrey
3. Mother Theresa
4. Ronald Reagan
5. Bill Gates
6. Gandhi
7. Eleanor Roosevelt
8. Babe Ruth
9. Rizks
10.Winston Churchill
11.Barbara Walters
12.Dalai Lama
I know, I know...I just have that effect on people...One day you too, can be like me....Believe it! :)
P.S. Stop picking different numbers!!..:(
I am no good at this...
I am getting 13. Jackmohan2007 :(
oooopss mine is Gandhi means 6
jackmohanlal when u can calculate the number of Coconut trees u posses back home and the number of different size and colors of Lungi's u have in ur wardrobe, then how cant you calculate such a simple calculation ? :(
I cant calculate... so I cannot do this... So you cannot be my Idol :(
wow its amazing i got # 11 .... lolz
Good old trick
I found a loophole in this to avoid Rizks :P
I got 72 and it is Rizks (7+2=9) and all the above numbers 1 to 8 will give the same answer 9.
1 3 6 18 9
2 6 9 27 9
4 12 15 45 9
5 15 18 54 9
6 18 21 63 9
7 21 24 72 9
8 24 27 81 9
The answer will always be 9 = rizks.
Tinku, everyone is getting ME....:) and so do you...:)
rizks, you deserved an apple and nothing else... :D
FA, yes it was Me...:(
but if u see carefully the pic, the teacher is holding a scale in the left hand from which she whopped my arse when she read wat i wrote on the board and later gave me an Apple....:(
is it if these kind of math teachers are there then all calculation will be sexy
was it you who wrote "Coolest math teacher ever"
FA, tatz exactly the one i was talking about...
U really bought back my old memories....:(
I hope the mods dont delete the above pic soon.
Atleast lemme admire her for an hour ? :(
Ohh.... sorry rizks, there were 3 maths teachers remember.... May be you may recall this one...
blue_rose ji, tats something new.....:)
roll that i have my own i need a model to give that roll
lolz mine come number (9)
ok then your my role model here in Ql... as u wish... =)
FA, who is tat Muppet ? :(
No No, i dont at all remember her....and dont want too also...:(
Rizks, do you remember now....
Thank you rose ji, i know i am shark...i mean sharp...:)
u r tooo sharp, rizks.
watever number we choose, result will come 9,,
excellent calculation..
FA, ohh...there were many teachers who had crush on me...i cant remember all of them now....:(
nops, not that maths teacher, the one with devil eyes rizks, she was the one who had a crush on you.... ;)
lol jpa...
lawa just roll the model and take it ....:)
Envy then you are mine....ROFL
Morning dear.
I need drac's map.
FA, my Math teacher neva slapped me. ...:(
Infact she was too sexy, and i use to admire her booti during the class and she use to get encouraged seein me admiring the booty...:)
oooops mine is Rizk
i want a model not a role model how can i get it ....?
i know brit, i heart Telly Savalas, kidding aside but rizks? lol! :)
Rizks, she was the same maths teacher, from you used to take a slap in extra class....:)
You are probably too young to remember
Yul Bryner
Telly Savalas
Curly Howard - the Three Stooges
who'd want a bald guy for an idol? :D
x-maki77 you may take the Exit door plz ?
this is crap! non-sense!
FA u cant deny the truth - buddy, accept it ! :)
Ohh Now i know....:-)
FS who is tat duffer teacher who taught you Maths ? :(
Bring her to ME, i will teach her Multiplication...:)
Rizks..I got 7..:) in my math book 4+5 = 7 is it 9 in your book? I know why you asked her to leave her
Surely my role model is not bald man, rizks. ;)
aatasneem which world are you living in lady ? :(
The whole Universe knows who is Rizks....:(
Ok Rizks I guess your the Son of Akuki then?
GM,My role model is No 9,Rizks?. Never heard
Expatgeezer, actually no.9 was tat Akuki..but i thought i too have same similarities wat tat Akuki is having so i replaced his name with mine...:)
My role model is not on the list :(
His name is Mzee Ancentus Akuki who is a 90 years old and has been married to a hundred women. His secret? 'I'm very romantic with my women and and an expert between the sheets'.
Excellent.. I didn't even know I had a role model :O)
s_isale as usual, u r always wrong...:(
posted gazillion times!!!! just joking :)
I thought you had found a way to grow hair :(