True Desi (LOL!!! again Good Humour ONLY)

1. Say open or close the light.
2. Say chok-o-late instead of chocolate.
3. Say Hullo instead of Hello.
4. Say Vot instead of What.
5. Everything you eat is sautéed in garlic, onion, chili and tomatoes.
6. Try and reuse gift wrappers, gift boxes, and of course aluminum foil.
7. You try to eject food particles from between your teeth by pressing your tongue against them and making a peculiar noise like, tshick, tschick, tschick or pphht.
8. Nibble at a toothpick like dessert.
9. Say hello by simply raising your eyebrow.
10. Automatically shorten peoples name even though they are already short. Know some one named either, bobby, inky, pinky, chinky, or tinku.
11. Are standing next to the two largest size suitcases at the airport.
12. Arrive one or two hours late to a party - and think it's the norm.
13. Snap your fingers while dancing in a group.
that is my only (+) ... ;-)
nice colt
can be shortened as Olt :D,
Olt este Colt, u have a good sense of humor ;)
Colt ... shortened is co :)
For Lungi,
7th is horrible if any one try in public
I'd like to think so... I'm in some rare form today eh? ;-)
lol,lol............Colt its ur day..............
apology accepted ;-) have a good one! :-)
ooh ! i m sorry, dint notice , this is posted in funnies..
sorry colt45 !!
this one is very true! hahaha
wow MJ! i'll wait for you at the airport then! Lol. have a safe trip and a happy vacation. :-)
gloomy, sure, wait till I come back from holiday,.. it will be more than adobo .. ;)
MJ, i'm waiting for the post as well, can i have a share of that adobo? i miss adobo... :)
Haven't seen or read jokes about Pinoys.. I'm so excited , to laugh at my kinds .. hahaha
It had me in splits and i'm sure you and all the like-minded paray's will agree with me on that... arrgh wait now i have to re-think it up...
I'm working on it Visper ;-)
Joke about Filipinos?
Somebody to call the Mod! :)
lol Colt, it's a sign.... make sure it's good though, or you're not getting any adobo...:P
DAMN!!! I had a classic Filipino one and my lappy froze and i lost it... aargghhh, it was hilarious though... Ima get on it again ;-)
whoever you are... go take a walk :-)
pri dear...this is posted in Funnies !
dont get Emotional.
thanking you in anticipation....:)
psst Colt, you got any more spare good humour cap? :P
colt or bolt , whoever u r..
mind ur words and follow community guidelines
English only, Mr.Rizks!
I think it will better to post something about baldi bhai.
Colt, wait till I come back... :)
Ehh? MJ??
Colt45...olt45...t5 you're dead!
Wait for Indian Mafia! :)
I for one DO NOT wear a lungi, that's probably confined to the south... WONLY!!! ;-)
Hahaha.. Ah!! Who's the next "on the spot" ??
Colt...wat about Lungi's ? :)
Watch-out... where is my adobo as bribe ;-))
LOL Colt what are you gonna post sure to wear a helmet ok.. :P
DESI a.k.a. INDIAN!!! ;-)