test/increase your knowledge about Computer Security.

This is a quick quiz to test/increase your knowledge about Computer Security.
which of the following actions could infect your computer with malware (virus, Trojan horse, worm,..) and which are totally safe.1- downloading and running an executable file (a program) from untrusted website.
2- opening an e-mail attached executable file (program).
3- opening an e-mail attached adobe acrobat (PDF) file using acrobat reader.
4- visiting untrusted website without clicking any link in it.
Enjoy !
Hum, posting appears to have missed the end of my message ....
4- visiting untrusted website without clicking any link in it.
Its called drive-by downloads. Using Internet Explorer? Using an old browser? You only need to load a webpage for it to be able to execute and do nasty things. Best option it to use Firefox and install updates as soon as it tells you they are available.
Or you could use a secure operating system like Linux. If you are sensible with the way you use Linux then there is no problem with exploits and you don't have to pay 'protection money' to the antivirus makers.
If you are using a Windows PC then the answer is all of them.
1- downloading and running an executable file (a program) from untrusted website
Very risky, sometimes even 'good' websites have malware on them.
2- opening an e-mail attached executable file (program).
Same as (1) above. Never open an attachment if it is executable (make sure your system displays file extensions). This includes so called self-extracting zip archives.
3- opening an e-mail attached adobe acrobat (PDF) file using acrobat reader.
Acrobat is now one of the most exploited applications and has regular updates from Adobe to patch the worst of them. Always update acrobat or use a more secure alternative like Foxit
4- visiting untrusted website without clicking any link in it.
Its called drive-by downloads. Using Internet Explorer? Using an old browser? You only need to load a webpage for it to be able to execute and do nasty things. Best option it to use Firefox and install updates as soon as it tells you they are available.
Or you could use a secure operating system like Linux. If you are sensible with the way you use Linux then there is no problem with exploits and you don't have to pay 'protection money' to the antivirus makers.
Do I get a prize?
which of the following actions could infect your computer with malware (virus, Trojan horse, worm,..) and which are totally safe.
1- downloading and running an executable file (a program) from untrusted website.
2- opening an e-mail attached executable file (program).
3- opening an e-mail attached adobe acrobat (PDF) file using acrobat reader.
4- visiting untrusted website without clicking any link in it.
1 not save
2 not save
3 limited save but dont click any link in it
4 not save