Sunday mystery

This case happened in Apollo Hospital's ICU ward,where patients always died on the same bed, on a Sunday morning, at 11am, regardless of their medical condition..
This puzzled the Doctors no end, and some even thought it had something to do with the supernatural..
No one could solve the mystery as to why all the deaths occured at 11am, and always on a Sunday..
So a worldwide expert committee was consulted, and they decided to go down to the ward to investigate the situation...
So, the following Sunday morning, a few minutes before 11am, all the Doctors and the nurses waited outside the ward to see the terrible phenomenon...
Some were holding wooden crosses and prayer books, while the other held holy objects to ward off the evil spirits.. And then...
SANTA, the part-time sunday sweeper, entered the ward.. He unplugged the Life Support System, and plugged in the vaccum cleaner:)
still my avatar is not showing... sigh... :(
hehehe bubbly
but it's new for me. :)
Umm is this a joke or what?
How many more times will it get posted again?
its not santa claus he is talking about he is talking about santa and banta the name used in indian jokes well nice one
I know Santa only 'works' on 25 December, but why would the jolly fat man in red get a part time job as a cleaner?R
ohh the mystery is solved now........ i was hoping atleast i will get to solve this one..
love playing detective .......good one
oho...mystery solved.... nice one..